Chapter 4

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I ran out of the courtroom as tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I’d lost the case again and I couldn't stop myself from breaking down. I screwed up the second chance. Before the judge could utter the words I stood up, collected my things and ran out turning only to mouth the words sorry at the crying 14 year old girl that was now half lying on the ground in utter shock. Her face showed blank but her eyes showed distress and angst. I failed her.

Calvin hugged me tight as I leaned on him; he heard about the case and ran to my office to see how I was. I let go and began to sob into his shirt. What had I done? I thought as Mick came in and kissed me on the forehead. He left after telling me that he needed the report of me and Cal sat me on my couch before leaving as per Mick's wishes. They knew I just needed space. 

Around ten o’ clock that night I finished my report. Sealing the envelope I walked over to Mick’s office. Engrossed in a conversation to an officer from downtown, he pointed at a pile of this week’s cases and told me to wait. He wanted to talk to me about the hearing today but I couldn't deal with his lecture or pity.  I shook my head and signalled that I needed to sleep. Giving me a brief nod he waved me out and continued with his call.

After leaving his office I went to the lockers to change out of my uncomfortable black pencil skirt and matching office jacket that I usually wore for court hearings then pulled on a black vest and joggers. Grabbing my jacket from my locker, I head out of the building and towards my apartment a few blocks away from work.

As I walked down the busy streets of New York City, I thought about my life so far and went through every random thought in my head. The bright lights around me created a glow, a shield of protection. I couldn't help but feel jealous at all the people that were out enjoying themselves and having fun. Music was echoing from every street corner, bar and restaurant. New York to others had always thought a dangerous city to a lot of people, full of gangs and drunken men, but deep inside it wasn't.

When I left the comfort of my home and came to the wonderful city of New York I noticed how amazing it was straight away, to me it felt like my own little bubble. Nobody could hurt me here and nobody ever did try. I paused by a small bridge and glanced down at the lake. Watching the steady flow of the water calmed me and soothed my senses. I saw a couple sitting by the edge of the lake watching the stars, they looked happy in a world of their own. This however bought up memories of my last boyfriend. I shuddered. 

That's when I remembered the strange guy from Coffease. Kade? My mind played back the memory and I couldn't help but smile. His easy going smile and those electric eyes, I remembered the way he had smirked at me when I glared at him and how he made me blush. Should I take up his offer? He had made my morning enjoyable and calmed my nerves. Maybe I should give him a chance?

In my head this was more a question than anything else. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out the little post-it with Kade's number on it. Sighing I grabbed my phone out of my bag and dialled his number. I was sick of playing it safe, I wanted it to let go and just be normal for once. I was going to give Kade a chance. I was going to let myself be free and do whatever the hell I wanted. Just this once.

"Hey this is Kade! I'm sorry but I can’t answer the phone right now, please leave a message and I will get back to you! Bye." Kade said lazily followed by the sound of the answering machine.

"Hey stranger!  Could you please gimme a call when you get this, thanks...Bye." I said confidently through the phone before hanging up with a silly grin on my face. I was dreading the thought of having to talk to him so I was glad it wasn't at that precise moment, 

When I finally got home I realised how hungry I was. Rushing in to the kitchen I dug through the fridge and found leftover chicken from the night before. Cutting it up I placed it on a plate and added salad. But I couldn’t eat. I just wanted to throw the plate at a wall. I dumped the entire plate and took it to the sink and prepared for bed my brain racing through everything that had happened that day. Slipping on a pair of pink pyjama bottoms and a white top a climbed into my bed and let my eyes close shut.

Somehow I knew that something was changing in my life. I was becoming stronger but loosening up. I realised how independent I was but how alone I was feeling. I needed someone in my life. I needed guidance. I needed support.

I apologise for the extremely short chapter.

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