Chapter 23

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This is just a reminder that this story was originally written by me and my best friend Sabrina. She no longer has the time to help me finish it so it is my story now however she has written parts in the past so if you notice that some of the chapters (before this note) have a different style of writing to my own let me know and I will amend them to make it fit

Chapter 11

Work was going to be difficult. I had Calvin to deal with but more importantly....Mick was going to make me grovel....Oh boy.

I had on a very smart work outfit that I remember Mick saying I 'looked presentable in' and my work swag was rolling of me like tsunami waves.

Shaking my head at the thought of waves, I tilted my head back and drank an espresso shot straight up. It was way too early to be thinking.

 I was clad in a navy dress with a black bust belt, that made me look taller and smarter, (according to the woman at the shop) Ash Black mid heels in suede and a Wendell Bag in Navy Blue. I closed the clasp of Kurt G Necklace that wrapped around my neck and gripped the CK shades from the cabinet. Overall I looked like a walking bar of gold ready for a robbers taking. Actually my Georg (why doesn't this guy have an E in his name?) Jenson Watch alone probably cost a bar of gold.

Conclusion: I was VERY rich...maybe not Bill Gates rich but 'I can send my great grandkids to Harvard' rich and I had a love/hate relationship with my richness.

"You’re looking dressy for a change...I'd tap you" My awkward best friend cut in before my thoughts could progress. Her guy came up behind and looked her up and down.

"The only one doing any sort of tapping is me!" He growled at her. Rosie giggled and I shuddered, which gave Tom enough time to figure out what he had said.

"I don't really want to be tapped, thank you very much" I mumbled with a grim smile as Tom shook his head in realisation. Kade chose that exact moment to come out of my en suite clad in only my white bath sheet and drying his hair with the hand towel. His muscles tightened as he reached up to brush his hair with his fingers.

"Really? Because I was planning on inviting you over to dinner tonight and if you don't want to be tapped gets really boring, I do not have the self-control to just do the whole spooning you and whispering sweet nothings all night." He rumbled before pecking my cheek and re-entering the bathroom so he could change out of his low slung towel into real clothes. As I once used to say, that was WELL awks.

I groaned as a blush blazed across my cheeks and shoved past my winking best friend and in law?! I don't even know.

"Hey Skye Pie do you need a ride?" My beautiful boyfriend whispered in my ear as I hit my eighth espresso shot and third 'Oh Boy'

By this point I was swaying on the spot from the complete euphoria that the espresso was providing. Who needed Vodka and Jager bombs when you can have espresso shots instead.

"Don't call my Skye Pie," I groaned

"It just reminds of the grovelling I have to do at work today loser" I finished before unplugging my phone from the charger and bending over to turn the switch of.

"Not that I don't like the view from here babe because trust me I do, but umm if you don't get up right now then you won’t doing any grovelling at work today. I might just take you back to your room" He breathed with a shaky breath before slapping my butt. I shot up like a drugged kangaroo and squealed. I think that was my cue to leave. I winked at Kade and kissed him slowly as if to torture him. I could feel the electricity of his hands at my waist as I pulled away and the rumbling tornado of butterflies in my stomach. (what is with me and natural disasters today?)

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