Part 4: Despair

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 1)

Intro Music: Starset - Halo

EPISODE 4: Despair

Through the crowd, Alexandria was being pulled by someone. Once they reached the kitchen, she was able to see who it was...

Cole: ¡Sorpresa!

Alexandria: Cole!?

Cole: Sorry if I surprised you.

Alexandria: That's okay. What's up?

Cole: I thought maybe you wanted to hang out together?

Alexandria: ¡Por supuesto que sí!
                             (Of course I do!)

Cole: Here, I wanna introduce you to some friends of mine.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

What's up?

Cole: This is Masao Mataso. And that's Hansuke Hikaru.

Alexandria: Nice to meet you both. I'm-

Hansuke: Alexandria Edwards. We know.

Masao: Cole talks a lot about you. Never shuts up about it, honestly.

Hearing that Cole always talked about her made her embarrassed...but also blush, at the same time. It looks as though Alexandria was enjoying herself, being with Cole and his friends. As the party went on, Riley came back downstairs and walked over to his sister.

Riley: Nikki, can I talk to you, for a sec?

Nikki: Sure. What is it?

Riley: It's him.

Nikki looked and saw that Gary was back and he was on the couch. He must've left the room, when Paul had come back to the party.

Riley: He vomited in the bathroom...

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