Part 9: Frindships Crumble

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 1)

Intro Music: The Summer Set - F**k You Over

EPISODE 9: Friendships Crumble

The next morning, in Alexandria's house...

Cole: Wake up, Allie.

Alexandria: Wh-What time is it?

Cole: 8:00. Your mom's been calling. Breakfast is ready.

Alexandria: I'll be down in a minute. I want to spend more time with you.

Cole: We have all day to spend time school. Come on, vamonos.
                                                                                                                                         (let's go.)

Cole and Alexandria got dressed and made their way down stairs and into the dining room. Luckily for them, Alexandria's father knew about Cole and that he was dating Alexandria, so it was safe for him to be around her family.

Mrs. Edwards: I appreciate you being here for my daughter.

Cole: It's no problem. Happy to be of help.

Mrs. Edwards: So is it true? You and Allie...?

Alexandria: MAMÁ!!!

Cole: Yes, we're dating.

Mrs. Edwards: Then I must ask you to watch out for her...keep her safe.

Cole: Of course.

Alexandria: Okay, we're done here! Come on, Cole. Let's go.

Mrs. Edwards: Alejandría, you didn't finish breakfast.

Cole: Honestly, I haven't even touched mine yet.

Alexandria: It's fine. We'll eat, when we get to school.

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