Part 10: A Promise To Keep

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 1)

Intro Music: The Summer Set - F**k You Over

EPISODE 10: A Promise To Keep

At the hospital, Paul was finally starting to come around, as his eyes opened...

Cole: Guys, look, he's coming around.

Nikki: Paul, can you hear me?

Paul: Nikki?

Nikki: Thank god, you're alright.

Paul: Where am I?

Cole: The hospital.

Alexandria: The doctors had a hard time trying to keep you alive.

Gary: Yeah, they said you almost died more than once.

Paul: Where's my parents?

Nikki: Your mother is home, resting.

Paul: And my father?

Cole: ............

Alexandria: ............

Nikki: ............

Gary: ............

Paul: my dad?!

Gary: He was sent to prison.

Paul: ............

Nikki: I'm sorry, Paul.

Paul: This isn't your fault. It's mine.

Cole: How is that?

Paul: ...Because of Dairvon...

Gary grabbed Nikki's arm and pulled her off to the side.

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