Part 5: Drama Looms (Part. 1)

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Underground Noobies Presents...Diary Of The White Notes (Season: 1)

Intro Music: Starset - Halo

EPISODE 5: Drama Looms (Part. 1)

Nikki led Paul to her room, as she did her best to tend to his bruises.

Nikki: I hate seeing you like this! Why do you let them treat you like this?

Paul: There's nothing I can do about it.

Nikki: Then at least let me tell someone!

Paul: NO NIKKI! You promised me you wouldn't tell.


Paul pulled away from Nikki, turning away from her. He did his best to hold back the pain he felt. But it was almost like Nikki could see through it. She saw that he was gripping onto her bed sheets and trying his best to keep himself from crying. Nikki raised her hand and tried to reach out for Paul.

Nikki: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled...

Paul: It's okay, Nikki. You're right...... But there's nothing I can do.

Nikki: How about we skip school tomorrow and hang out here?

Paul: That sounds like a great idea. ¿Puedo quedarme aquí esta noche?
                                                                                    (Can I stay here tonight?)

Nikki: ¡¡Por supuesto que puede!!
                    (Of course you can!!)

While Paul sat on her bed, Nikki placed a bunch of sheets on the floor, allowing him to sleep comfortably.

Paul: Nikki, you know I can just sleep in the spare room.

Nikki: I won't allow it. I need to keep you close. Make sure you'll sleep okay.

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