Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV

The Avengers were called to Director Fury's office immediately to be given a mission of high importance and being S.H.I.E.L.D top secret, they walked to Fury's office. "What do you think Fury got for us?" asked Steve.

"Don't know" Natasha responded which was surprising to Steve because Natasha knew everything that had to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Well if the pirate wants us on a mission it better be a good one, I mean we are the Avengers" said Tony with an annoyed tone.

"Relax shell head" said Clint, Tony gave a stare to Clint and he just laughed.

"Oh how I love how you both taunt each other" Thor said behind them laughing walking beside Bruce. They entered the large office that belonged to Fury, he was facing away from the avengers looking at the screen in front of him on the wall.

The Avengers took their places around the large oval glass table with the S.H.I.E.L.D logo plastered on it, Fury turned around with his usual serious face and beady eyes looking at all the Avengers. "I have a mission for you all, we have sources in Russia that say that their is a small organisation related to the Red Room" said Fury.

Natasha flinched her head sharply and looked into Fury's eyes, but she kept quiet. "I want you to investigate" he added, "Are you sure Nick?" asked Clint, "Clint if I wasn't sure you guys wouldn't be here" he said. Natasha stared at the table, all the memories flooded in, the torture, the brainwashing and the killing.

Steve, who sat opposite her was looking at her, he noticed that she was not focused on what was happening, but was in a completely different world.

"Nat" he said. Natasha almost jumped out of her seat, "you alright?" he asked, Natasha looked at him blankly, "I'm fine Rogers" she simply said,

"Romanoff you don't have to go-" said Fury with a concerned tone,

"No I'll go" she said sharply

"do you have any information that we need to know?" asked Fury, Natasha just shook her head. "Right go get ready" Fury said, the Avengers got out of there seats and started walking to the door.

"Natasha, can I talk to you?" said Fury. They all stopped walking and Natasha turned around obviously annoyed, she knew what he was going to ask. The avengers exited the room. "Romanoff, I need to know what you know" he said.

"Nothing that will jeopardize the mission, I know I haven't been... very open about what happened in the Red Room, but I need you to trust me, can you Nick?" she said. Fury nodded, Natasha started to walk away.

"But Natasha, if you or anyone is captured, promise me you will not go back." he said, "I promise Nick, and besides why would I, who would round up those idiots if I wasn't around." she smirked., and Nick smiled back, "True, but be careful" he said with a worried tone and with that Natasha walked out.

She felt fear and she hadn't felt that since she was taken to the Red Room. She went to her room to put on her signature catsuit and attached all her weapons to it.

She was ready. Natasha walked to the avengers quinjet and walked up the ramp, soon they were ready with Tony being the pilot and the others sitting down. "All good back there?" Tony said. "yep" replied Steve, the plane lifted off and was above the clouds in a second. "Jarvis, take control" Tony said to the British A.I. "Yes sir" J.A.R.V.I.S replied. Tony departed from his seat and walked towards the group as they were sitting in a kind of circle.

"So what's our play" asked Tony who was standing, "Fury sent a map and strategic points,where we can intercept from" said Steve, he was holding a tablet which showed a hologram that light up the area, it was a small forest and a small heavily guarded building was in the centre."Tony and Thor will come from above and Tony will block all security feeds and tech, Clint, Nat and me will come from the ground." he said

"And, what about our loveable green rage monster?" asked Tony, Steve rolled his eyes."Bruce is out, sorry might ruin the element of surprise" said Steve, "I'm cool with that"said a relieved Bruce, "Speak for yourself" said Tony under a cough.

"When we get inside, while we are finishing securing the building, Nat and Tony will get to the main control room and download as much info as you can, and the rest of us will meet with Tony and Nat, got it?" said Steve. They all nodded, "Jarvis, how long till we reach Russia?" asked Clint. "About 2 hours sir." he responded, "Right well get ready."

Hope you like, please look at my other books as well, I would like to thank anyone who reads my stuff or are reading my books for the first time, it means a lot to me to see people reading my stories. Writing is my hobby and performing on the stage is my life, and to be able to express yourself through writing and performing is what I cherish the most, I look forward to your comments and votes.

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