Chapter 3

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Natasha's POV

We were about four hours away from our destination. I typed in co-ordinates in the digital map which was in view on the side. Tension filled the quinjet, I knew they wanted to ask questions, the question was did I want to answer, was I ready to answer.

I sat in the pilot seat and flew the small aircraft to the location. I could've just had autopilot on, but I liked to be in control. I could hear them talking to each other. I heard footsteps coming towards me, they were loud, but not as loud as Thor.

"What is it Roger's?" I asked still keeping my eyes locked to the sky in front. Steve sat down in the co-pilot seat. "Just came to talk" he said.

"About what?" I asked curiously, "like what is this place we are going to?" He asked.

"A facility that the Red Room used for Project Black Widow" I said.

"So where you were trained?" He asked.

"Tortured, made into a weapon, brainwashed and where I grew up" I said not realizing what I just said, I turn my head towards him, he definitely was shocked by what I said, I turned back trying to ignore the awkwardness.

"So, um how long before we get there?" he asked with an uncomfortable tone.

"About four hours out" I stated. He nodded.

"Do you miss Russia?" he asked,

"No, the only reason why I would ever come is if there was a mission and I haven't been there since after Shield collapsed." I said.

"Why did you go back?" he asked in curiosity. "I had a job over there" I said. "What kind of job?" he asked "Are you going to keep asking questions until we land?" I said with an annoyed tone. "I'm just curious, so what kind of job?" he kept pressing the topic, and he would not stop pestering me. "Fine, I worked for some agencies and people" I said hopefully being the end of our 'chat'.

"doing what?"he asked eagerly, "dealing with people they didn't like" I said frustratingly. "You mean killing people for profit" he said now raising his voice, I knew the other's were probably looking at us talking, "I thought you were done working for those kind of people?" he asked now obviously confused and shocked.

"So did I Roger's, but I had to work and I had my reasons." I said as I turned to him staring at him, he was disgusted at me, well that is what I thought, I let him, my team and myself down.

I promised myself never to work for other's profit and that is what exactly I was doing then. I just wanted everything to be less complicated, I wanted the Red Room to be gone and not exist. I just wanted to live a life where I wasn't letting down anyone.

Steve got up out of his seat and walked away swiftly in frustration. I looked out of the glass panel and watched as the clouds below me floated in the sky, how graceful they were. I couldn't get the feeling of disappointment out of me, and I didn't want it to.

3rd Person POV

Steve walked towards Tony, Bruce, Clint and Thor who were in sitting around in a large circle and stood, he looked at Clint and sighed. "Hey Nat do you want to switch places or go autopilot?" asked Clint. "I'm good Clint" Natasha said. "Okay" he replied knowing he wouldn't win.

Three and a half hours had passed and it was pretty quiet in the aircraft. Some chatter was going on while Natasha sat comfortably in her chair. Memories of the Red Room escaped into her mind, she tried to suppress it, but it was stuck in her mind.

A memory of her killing other girls in a large room. She gripped the wheel harder until her hands were bright red. She loosened her hands.

She didn't want to go back, she didn't want to see the cell like room she lived in most of her life, the room that took all her memories, and the room that tortured her into a weapon. She didn't know if she could handle going back there again, but she had to.

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