Chapter 2

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Natasha's POV

There was no doubt in my mind that I was scared, not that I would've showed it or told anyone that there mightn't have been a chance, hell, more than a chance that the Red Room was back. Steve sat opposite once everyone had dispersed out of the circle and gone to do whatever they needed to do.

Steve gave me a concerned face with those blue eyes trying to figure out what was going on in my head. "You okay?, and be honest" he said.

"I'm fine Rogers, is that honest enough for you?" I said cheekily with a small smirk.

He sighed and sat back on his seat "you know Romanoff, to tell you the truth, you're not the easiest person to understand and trying to get you to talk about your...past is definitely a challenge, so the question can we...can I trust you to tell us anything that we need to know?, and if we ask a question can you ask as truthfully as possible?" He asked.

Everyone turned there heads and their eyes looked at me. I contemplated for a moment about how to respond to the question.

"Fine, but if I have to talk at some stage, you all have to promise me something, none of you will try to be sympathetic and no sad puppy eyes. Deal?" I said with a strict tone. They all looked at each other and nodded. Steve looked at me, "deal" he said. I nodded and smirked, and he replied with a smirk.

When almost two hour's had passed, the quinjet was invisible as we got close to our target. They got all their gear on, Tony had his suit on, Thor had his hammer and suit and cape, Steve had his costume on and Clint had his purple suit with his arrows and bow ready to be used. We all put in our ear comma in so we could communicate.

I already had my signature catsuit on and was flying the Avengers quinjet, I had found a clearing on the ground to land the aircraft on, I opened the hatch and Tony and Thor flew out quickly.

Steve, Clint and I ran excluding Bruce who stayed at the aircraft unless we needed him to smash stuff. I was the fastest at running with Steve very close and Clint a little back but still in view.

I zoomed around the tree's in the cold forest, we were about two minutes away from the facility when Tony and Thor landed in front of me Steve stood beside me and Clint joined we stood in a circle.

"We have a situation" Tony said worriedly. "What do you mean, situation?" Steve said while frowning, "nobody's there, it's empty no heat signatures, no nothing" said Tony. "What, that's not possible" said a shocked Clint.
"Believe it my friend, no one is there" Thor said.

I was thinking about other possibilities, could the intelligence that fury got, was wrong. But it was S.H.I.E.L.D so it wasn't likely, or could the organisation be using tech that allowed them to be invisible.

I remembered a device that the Red Room used, it could cloak an entire facility and its people inside or near the facility, the only thing that could decloak a facility like the organisation was using was..."I have an idea, Stark set your censors to a high contrast frequency." I said, "Jarvis set all censors to high contrast and scan" Stark said anxiously. "Censor's pick up life forms and a small facility sir" the A.I said.

They all looked stunned, "how did you know that?" Asked a bewildered Clint, "you learn lots of things when working with organisations that want to destroy anything in their path" I said plainly. Everyone kept quiet about my comment.

"Organisations with an s how many organisations have you worked for?" Asked Tony, I ignored that question and started to walk towards the facility, I could hear Tony and Thor take off, and Steve and Clint ran towards me.

"I thought we had a deal" said Steve obviously annoyed. I still ignored them and ran until we finally came upon the facility, it had tall barbed wire around a large small rectangle box, then I heard Tony on the comma, "system disabled, take em down Avengers", we ran towards, I intercepted a few thugs on the way to the barbed wire.

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