Chapter 5

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Natasha's POV

The aircraft soon landed at the now Avengers tower which used to be Stark's tower, but since New York he decided we should live together as a team. We walked out of the ship together and walked to our rooms to get changed.

We all met up excluding tony who was decrypting the main server which would eventually find where their main operations were and discussed the situation. "So once Tony has done decrypting codes we need a plan of attack" Steve stated in his captain's voice, "well we can't just march up there and knock on the door to see if any bodies there" Clint said sarcastically.

"Why don't we?" I asked, the others stood in confusion and were trying to understand the reasons why we shouldn't do exactly that. "I could go up there, get a good understanding of their headquarters and when the time is right, I call you guys in and we take them down" I said calmly.

I didn't know why I was suggesting it, it was completely mad and let alone dangerous. But the danger aspect of doing missions is what I loved, the excitement of it all and I was willing to do it, if we had a chance for it all to come crashing down like the Red Room mansion. If I had to die for the Red Room's demise then so be it.

They all looked at me in wonder and stun. "That is insane" spoke up Bruce who was looking at me like I was committing an act of stupidity, which I most likely was. "I agree with the doctor, it is one thing to agree to such madness let alone do it and hand yourself over to the enemy" Thor said.

"Nat it is risky even for you and who knows what could happen and they might do to you" Clint said trying to be the sound of reason to me, but I wasn't backing down, I looked over at Steve waiting for his defence, but nothing came out of his mouth, he knew this was most likely the only way of going about it.

"I have a question, why? Why put yourself through it, when you ran away from it all, your past, why go through it again?" He asked, "because I survived" I simply said, he nodded at my response.

"First before we decide anything more, we need more info and Stat." Steve said. Ludekov came into my head, if anyone had info on the Red Room it would be him after all I got info about informants from him. "I'll make a few calls to some informants and old colleges to see if there is anything about the Red Room." I stated, Steve nodded. And I walked out, I leaned against a wall and grabbed my phone out of my pants and called Ludekov, I spoke in Russian "Natalia , so nice to hear from you" his voice had a pleasant tone to it, but if you knew the man behind the voice, it would scare you to even hear his name.

"Cut the formalities Ludekov I need info" I said with a tough tone. "What can I do for you this time?" He asked curiously, "I need info on the Red Room" I simply stated, I didn't like to play games when I needed something.

"Look Natalia, I have given you all the information I have on the Red Room that I can get my hands on, unless your not busy to do some jobs for me?" He asked with a curious tone at the end, I thought about it for a moment, was it worth doing one final job to get what I needed to stop a threatening force from destroying everything, I could take that chance.

"Fine, send me the info first and then give me a job" I finally gave in, I put my phone back in my pocket, I felt a presence behind me "you know Roger's you still haven't got the whole stealth thing under control yet" I said cheekily while turning around to see the muscled man in front of me. "

"Who did you call?" He asked cautiously, "just an old acquaintance" I said with my signature smile."who speaks Russian, I thought you didn't have anyone in Russia to talk to?" He said now curiously and slightly getting on my nerve.

"I don't, he was just an acquaintance that didn't speak any English and could only speak German or Russian, and he preferred Russian" I said calmly. The great thing about me is that no one can tell what I'm thinking and if I'm lying or not and it comes handy sometimes, he stared at me intently, but soon gave up.

We walked back to the others, we sat awhile talking about different strategies, but they either couldn't work or the team couldn't agree on tactics, so there we were the rational and realistic one being me, the sarcastic, wise cracker Hawkeye.

The big headed Asgardian Thor, Bruce who on the contrary to the Hulk was the quietest and of course the voice of reason Captain America all we needed was the self indulgent, billionaire Tony Stark and we would've had a civil war on our hands.

We finally stopped bickering but still no decent plans since my idea at the very start. It had been about two hours before we would find out where the Red Room main station was.

So we decided to head to the training room once we got changed into something more suitable, excluding Bruce since he had a massive green, rage monster ready to jump out of Bruce at any moment and training wasn't exactly the right activity for him so he went off to do yoga. We all walked into the large square room where there was punching bags, targets for shooting and archery and weights for upper body strength.

Thor walked over to the the weights and picked the heaviest ones with ease, I didn't know how much more muscle could go on his body before he burst, not that I checking his muscles or anything.... I walked over to a punching bag while Clint grabbed a bow and arrow and shot them at the targets perfectly. And Steve ran around the circuit which was painted in a circle around the room.

I punched harder and harder, it felt good to release all that anger and frustration onto something that can't hit back. I could feel sweat pouring off my body. We must have been at it for about two hours because Tony came in watching us train, he clapped his hands and we all looked at Stark, he smiled at us.

"I have decrypted the code and now know where they are, yes I know how could you live without me" he said happily and proudly more about himself than anything else.

We all walked towards him and we soon filed out, Clint patted Tony's shoulder and said "well done sherlock", "I do try" Tony replied with. We all walked to his lab excitedly where me met with Bruce.

"Jarvis, do the honours" Tony said to his A.I, once we all got into the room, there was a large screen of the map, "yes sir" the A.I responded with. The map zoomed into Russia, then the Map got bigger and bigger with more places showing up, until it pin pointed the exact location written of the screen, 'Stalingrad', I thought I would never see that name again.

"Stalingrad?" Asked a surprised Clint yet very confused, I crept closer to the screen, inches away. "Jarvis check again" I commanded without looking at the others. "Re-checking data, it is Stalingrad ms Romanoff" said the English A.I.

I never wanted to go back there ever, I made myself a promise, breaking my rule about the Red Room was enough but this, I knew my limits and I wasn't about to break them. But what was I supposed to do, run away and never face my fears, no. I was taught to never let fear control you.

"Anything you liked to say Widow about Stalingrad?" Steve asked cautiously, I wanted to tell them so badly but then they would keep asking questions and pester me about it. "No, just re-checking. I turned around to see Steve nod to me.

"Right well, you have fifteen minutes to get ready and get on the quinjet." Steve barked. We all dispersed the room to go get our uniforms/suits on and we all met in the quinjet. And we were off to Stalingrad.

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