Chapter 8

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Briar's POV
Right now I'm at home just choreographing me,Myles,Devon's trio.I hear my phone buzz and pick it up.

M-Hey Bri what ya doing?❤
B-choreographing our trio for VIP Dance Events.
M-Want me to help?
M-Be over in a sec
B-Love you❤❤
M-Love you too

I go back to choreographing the routine. Here's what I've got so far (I know how to dance cause I study dancing and I'm a dancer)

Start with back to audience.
Back handspring
Briar:Aerial through the middle of them.
High kick
Devon lift Briar while Myles is back flips to the other side of Briar.
Devon will throw Briar up but instead of him catching Briar Myles catches Briar.
Myles puts Briar down and Briar back walkover while the others back flip.

I hear a knock on the door. I run to the door and open it and discover Myles standing there with his phone in his hand. "Your not telling people about our relationship are you?" I ask. "No,we're keeping our relationship hidden even the crew of the the next step don't know." Myles says.

Myles POV
I walk up to Briar's room and look at the choreography. "Ok" I say and start writing stuff down and Briar giving ideas. This is our finished choreography

Start with back to audience.
Back handspring
Briar:Aerial through middle of them
High kick
Devon lifts Briar while Myles back flips to the other side of Briar.
Devon throws Briar up but Myles catches Briar instead of him.
Myles puts Briar down.
Briar back walkover others back flip.
Front flip
Briar:Bow and Arrow
Myles+Devon: back flip to where the other was standing.
Reach to left
Reach to right
Myles+Devon lift Briar up when she reaches to right.
Devon let's go of her legs making it look like I pulled her off him.
Myles+Briar:Leap,spin then walk off together.
Devon:runs after us.

"This is good." I say. "Yeah" she replies. We read it through then we go to Devon's house to show him.

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