The Leaky Cauldron and the Black Man

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About one week after we had arrived at the Leaky Cauldron Harry and I walked downstairs to find Hermione and Ron fighting over Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, and Scabbers, Ron's rat. Harry and I laughed hysterically at this sight and they both turned to look at us.

"Harry!!! Mira!!!! When did you get here?" she squealed in delight, hugging us.

"Only just a week ago" I told her happily.

Harry and Ron trailed behind Hermione and I as we talked about how our summers went. George and Fred popped up behind us as Ron finished telling Harry and I about Egypt.

"Oh. Hey Mira. Harry. How was your summer? They didn't lock you up again did they?" Fred ask us.  

"Nope. But Harry did blow up Marge. And then we ran away to here. And it was good thank you very much." I told him. Smirking at the blown up picture of Marge in my head.

The twins both stared at Harry for a moment and then smiled at him.

"We always knew you had it in you mate. Its right about time too." George said to Harry patting him on the back.

Fred turned to me "And what tricks have you played on Duddy-Kins Mira?"

I smiled deviously "That's for me to know and no one to ever find out."

The twins winked at me, then left to go pester Percy.

As we were walking I saw posters with a man on them. He looked like he was screaming at the camera that took his mug shot.

I nudged Ron. "Hey Ron. Who's that guy on the poster?" 

Ron, Hermione, and Harry all gave me looks. 

"You know who that is. The guy from the night bus explained it remember?" Harry slowly explained to me.  

"Wasn't paying attention." I remarked smoothly poking my tongue out at him.  

"Blimey, Mira how can you not know who that is??" Ron ask me.  

"Really, Ron. How can I know who that is when I live in a muggle home." I shot back rolling my eyes. 

Hermione shot Ron a look too. But turned to me and very awkwardly responded to my question.  

"Mira... That man... He's Sirius Black..."

Mira Black: Sirius's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now