The sorting and Mr. Ollivanders

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"So what your saying is that my father. Who I've presumed to be dead for the last 12 years is a mass murderer who might be looking for me and Harry." I ask keeping a blank face.  

"That's what I looks like mate." Ron said slowly. Harry and Hermione slapped his arms.  

"Who knows how he's related to you, Mimi. All we know is that he has your last name. He might be a cousin of yours or maybe a distant relative." Harry said to me putting a comforting arm around me.  

"Yeah" I quietly said. "Maybe."

It was all I could do to remember my first year at hogwarts, during the sorting.

*2 years ago, first day of Hogwarts during the sorting*  

"Black, Mira." McGonagall cried out. 

I skipped up to the hat while the houses laughed at my entrance.  

"Ah. Miss Black. I've been waiting for you." the old wrinkled hat said.  

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting, sir." I politely told it. 

"Yes. Yes. On with it now.

You've got an insane amount of courage, and bravery like Gryffendor.

You're smart, knowledgeable, and resource-able like Ravenclaw.

Friendly like Hufflepuff.

And sly like Slytheren.

Just like your mother and father you are." 

"My mother and father? You knew them?" I ask.

"Ah yes my dear. You father was alway getting in trouble and your mother was right beside him no matter what. Shame what your father did. But we must go on. And for you I'd have to say...

GRYFFENDOR!!!!!!!!!" he yelled the last part.

*Present Day*

Now that I think of it Im glad that everything but the Gryffendor part was between the hat and I.

Suddenly it hit me.

My father is a mass murderer.

I slid out from Harry's arm and brushed back my black curls.  

"So I'm gonna go walk around real quick." I told them.  

"Ok. See you later." they told me slowly, as if i was a fragil flower. 

And at my current state, I agree.

As they turned around I pushed my way through the doors and made my way toward diagon ally. I sniffed sadly as I pushed down to Ollivanders. When I came into the store there was no one there.  

"Mr. Ollivander?" I called. 

Suddenly some boxes moved and there stood Ollivander, white hair and all.  

"Ah. Miss Black. To what do I owe this pleasure?" he ask me smiling.  

"Well Mr. Ollivander I was wondering if you could tell me who my parents were. I thought you might have known a little about them" I ask sheepishly. 

"Your mother was clever, courageous, friendly, and amazingly smart. Her name was Myriah Lynx. Your father, Miss Black, was so alive, so full of energy, so mischievous. And I don't know what happened but he changed one day.

The only other thing that I know about him is that he, is in fact Sirius Black."


DUN DUN DUNHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OH NOES!!!!!! What happens now???

Well if you kept on reading, you'd find out...

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