Vega and the Boggart

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The next day I was in Great Hall eating, when it happened. 

"SIRIUS BLACK HAS BEEN SIGHTED!!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed. I felt all the blood in my face drain as i ran over to see.

"Duff-town? That's not far from here!!!" Hermione shrieked.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you? With dementors at every entrance?" Neville asked almost as pale as i was.

"Dementors?" Seamus scoffed. "He's slipped past them once. Who's to say he won't do it again?"

"That's right. Black could be anywhere." Vega put in. "Its like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands."

I ran out of the Great Hall as pale as the ghosts that walked by me.

I heard someone run up behind me, and put their hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ok, Mira?"

It was Vega.

"Can you keep a secret Vega?" I ask seriously.

"Yes. Of course." She replied earnistly.

I dragged her to an empty classroom and magically locked the door.

"Ok," I begain. "You have to promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to tell you." I put exta emphisis on the promise part.

She sighed. "I solumly swear that i will not tell anyone, from your brother Harry, to the butterflies that fly by me, what you are about to tell me."

"Ok..." I sighed. "I'm almost positive that Sirius Black is my father."

She didnt even blink. "Yeah. So what. I already knew he was. Mira, my name isn't really Vega Lee. It's Vega Black. My father was Regulus Black, your uncle. I'm your one and only cousin." She smiled, then pressed her lips together.

"Mira, I know you probally think that Uncle Sirius is an "evil convict" out to get you, but hes not. What do you know about a Peter Petigrew?" She ask.

"I know nothing." I told her.

"Ok, well, how to summurize this up? Ah. Ok. Peter was Sirius Black's, Remus Lupin's, and James Potter's 'friend'. In reality, though, he was a death eater who sold out James and Lily to Voldemort and framed your father. Your father figured this out though, and went to confront Peter for who he really is, but Peter tricked everyone and blew up 11 muggles and cut off his finger, managing to somehow escape. And thats why your dads not a bad person. People just don't know the real story." She told me.

I smiled weakly and thanked her walking back up to my dorm.

*The Next Day*

I zoned out most of the class in D.A.D.A., all i knew was that we were going to face our fears. And I was put in the front of the line, behind Neville.

Bloody Fantantical.

After Neville's fear of Snape were faced, I stepped up.

The boggart looked at me then -CRACK- there was Sirius Black. I started hyperventilating.

He walked up to me smiling, his arms wide open as if he was waiting for a hug. I started backing up into my classmates.

"Hello Mirie." The boggart said to me, he took another step forward and I fled from the room, screaming bloody murder.

Mira Black: Sirius's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now