Chapter 23 - Normal?

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Going to Saj's house was awesome. Everyone was there and we were all enjoying and having fun. Sarah was laughing a lot but she did have the usual cries. Me and Maya were playing with her so much, Amir, Zachy and Noah were talking to my Dad. Faheem wasn't even there because of his work. Both my mums were talking to Saj making sure she was taking rest and not doing any work. We came home and it was quite late so I read my Isha prayer and fell asleep.

You know I've noticed that ever since we got married we've lost the fun that we had. There's no jokes, pranks or fights. I need to get that back. I mean, it's a huge reason as to why I love him.

Zachy was sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. Since he always scares me I will just have go scare him. I push him slightly making him jump and drop the hot coffee over himself.
"Innayah!" He shouts. I purse my lips so I don't laugh.
"You're so lucky this coffee wasn't burning" he hissed.
"I didn't do anything. It's not my fault that you always scare me, I had to get you back"
He rolls his eyes.
"I'm taking a shower" he says as he runs upstairs. I clean the mess he made and make him another coffee. I can't find my phone. I searched the whole house apart from my room. I think Zachy should be done with his shower now. I walk up the stairs to my room and start looking for it. Not under my pillow, or his, not in my wardrobe. I hear the bathroom door open but I ignore it.

"Zachy have you seen my phone. I can't find it anywhere" I say.
"It's here" he says and I turn around. My breath hitches as I take in his appearence, he's only got a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is dripping wet and some drops are sliding down his chest. he smirks once he sees my reaction.
"You like what you see" he wiggled his eyebrows. And I'm back. I scoff.
"Please, you're not even all that" I walk past him but he grabs my wrist.
"Don't you want your phone"
I mentally facepalm myself, his appearence made me forget why I even turned around in the first place.
"Give it then" I say without looking at him. He pulls me back so my back is against his chest. I gulp and try to control my heartbeat.
He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.
"You're so cute" he says.
I elbow his stomach and try to get away.
"I'm not cute" I say. You know how men don't like being called adorable, cute, pretty I'm the same but with the word cute. He kisses my cheek and leaves his lips lingering there. He turns me around and pulls me closer to him.
"You know, I haven't had a kiss in a while" he smirks.
"Really, what did you just do right now"
"You know what I mean" was the last thing I heard before I was captivated in another world. A world where it was just me and him. Alhamdulillah.

He finally gave me my phone and I went downstairs, I scrolled through my instagram feed and checked my snapchat. Zachy came downstairs and plopped right next to me. He was looking at what I was doing so I started taking some pictures with him. He is the type that will never take a picture unless it's rare times. Today was them rare times except he kept a straight face the whole time. I, on the other hand, was taking so many different ones.

"Zachy. You're not doing anything"
"You didn't tell me to do anything"
"Please, just take one funny pictures with me" I pouted and he caved.
We were both bog-eyed and were sticking our tongues out.
I laughed at the picture along with him. He was finally in the mood so we took some more.

"I'm bored" he whines.
"So go do something" I state.
"Ok" he approaches me. He grabs me close to him and I give him a confused look.
"What are you doing?" I ask him.
"Something" he says mischieviously.
His hand trailes down my back making me shiver and the other hand caresses my cheek.
"Z-zachy. Stop"
"Why?" He smirks.
I mentally sigh, he knows how to make me nervous.
Suddenly I get an idea. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek. Once I'm done I'm smirk leaving him looking dumbfounded.
"Now, we can either cook. Or play basketball"
"Basketball" his eyes light up.
I go to get changed and then we go to Borobhiya's house. He has a basketball court in the back garden so we went to play there.
"Alright guys, I'm going to a meeting. My house is in your hands" he says and he walks out.

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