Chapter 26 - A Baby

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9 months later

Zachy POV

I run a hand through my hair for what seems like the hundreth time as I sit in the waiting area. The sound of footsteps thuds in my ears but I ignore it.
"Hey bro" I look up at Faheem and give a weak smile.
"How is she?"
"Still the same" I reply.
"Why aren't you there with her?"
"Because right now she's finding every way possible to kill me because she thinks it's all my fault"
He chuckles. I wince as I hear her screams. I'm pretty sure the walls are supposed to be sound proof. Mum, Saj and Amir come rushing in with Sarah.

After telling them what's happening they sit down next to me. Sarah walks towards me and I smile at her. For a one year old she's pretty smart. She knows how to walk and talk... Well kinda talk.
"Akawiya mama?" She calls.
"Yes Sarah"
"Where mami gone?"
"Mami in that room" I say almost in the same way.
"She crying?"
I nod. She hugs me tight.
"Mami gone be ok"
I chuckle at her innocence. Aren't I supposed to be consoling her instead of the other way around?

The doctor comes out and I literally jump from my seat.
"Congratulations, you've got a boy" he says with a grin. My happiness is too much.
"Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much Doc"
I rush into the room where I see my beautiful wife holding my son.
I hold him and whisper the Adhan in his left and right ear, then kiss his forehead and give him to my mum.
"How do you feel?" I ask Innayah.
"I'm awesome, not tired at all" she says sarcastically. I laugh at her, even after giving birth she can be funny.
"Get some rest love" I kiss her forehead.

"Man. This is so cool. I'm an uncle" Faheem grins.
"Bro, I'm a dad" I say in disbelief
"Have you called mum and dad" he asks me.
I nod. I called them just before we came into the hospital.
Suddenly they burst through the door.
"Where's my grandchild?" My mother-in-law demands. I chuckle as I hand him over.
"Masha Allah" she gushes as she holds him "Ya Rabb, Alhamdullilah" she kisses his cheek.
Mum walks over to her and both of them talk about whatever mums talk about.

I walk out of the room and pray two rakats Nafl prayer in thanks to my Lord. The Almighty.


Innayah's POV

I am exhausted to say the least. This kid had so many difficulties giving me so much pain. I hold him in my arms.
'Masha Allah, Allahummah barik. You gave me so much pain but you're my gift. Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah, thank you so much for my blessing' I think in my mind.
I kiss his cheek and I see a faint smile on his lips.

Zachy bursts in with a huge grin on his face. I don't think it can get any bigger. He takes him in his arms and whispers the Adhan.
"How do you feel?" He says softly
"I'm awesome, not tired at all" I say sarcastically. Honestly, this guy wasn't even there with me while I went through the pain, granted I kicked him out but still!
He laughs at me but I don't say anything.
"Get some rest love" he kisses my forehead.
I smile and close my eyes.

When I wake up the next morning, the first thing I see is my parents.
"Amma? Abba? How come you're here?"
"Well, we didn't come to see you for sure. We came to my our grandson"
I shake my head while smiling.
"Thanks dad"
"So what's the name?" Mum asks.
"I don't know" I say honestly.
"Have you got any ideas?" Dad asks.
"Just a few names. When am I getting out of here?" I whine at the end.
They laugh at me as Zachy comes in. Both of them get up and leave.
Zachy smirks and sits down on the stool next to me.

"We have a kid" I say
"Really? I didn't know" he says sarcastically.
"Shut up. It's just hard to believe, I mean it feels like yesterday when I was colouring out of colouring books and drawing castles"
"Innu, that was yesterday"
I smile sheepishly as he laughs.
"What are we going to name him?"
"I like the name Yaqub" he says.
Yaqub. Hmmm, that's a nice name.
"I like it too"
"Yaqub Ahmed" Zachy says for confirmation. I smile and nod.

My son, Yaqub Ahmed.


The next few days are hectic. We had so many people coming to our house to see the baby, it was really annoying because some people won't even warn you that they're coming. I could tell my biological mum was getting annoyed, one time she shouted at some guests because they came uninvited and they didn't even knock. At that time, the house was a mess and it was Yaqub's feeding time.

Don't get me wrong, I mean I appreciated the effort some of them took to come, and they were really kind and caring. Some of them offered to clean my house, I was surprised to say the least but I didn't let them. I just have a pet peeve about needing to be aware of things.

Finally all the visits were over. Both Mums have been really helpful, I'm so grateful to have them with me. This is my first child and I want to do things right and they've been guiding me the whole way and still are. Alhamdulillah

I'm sat in my room with Yaqub in my arms. I just finished putting him to sleep. I smile as I look at his innocent face. Allah has granted me so many things to be thankful of. He has reunited me with my parents, given me a kind and loving family. He has given the best husband ever, the best brother and brother in law. Saj is my best friend and sister. I have two amazing mums that guide me, I have my awesome and extremely loving dad to protect me and teach me, I have Yaqub, my ray of light. Whenever I look at him I feel immense happiness. It's the same with Zachy. I kiss Yaqub's cheek softly and place him in his cot.

The door opens and Zachy comes in. He kisses my cheek and hugs me.
"I love you for the sake of Allah swt"
I smile.
"I love you too... For the sake of Allah swt"

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