Chapter 27 - epilogue

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Yaqub's POV

Another stupid day at school. It's getting annoying now, I mean I go to school to learn. Yeah I know, nowadays what kid goes to school to learn. Whatever. I'm one of the ones that have a brain.
I tried ignoring all the girls that talk to me. I don't even get it, girls are so weird. As if showing a bunch if skin is going to get a guy to like you. I walk into my house and accidentally slam the door.
"Yaqub!" I hear her voice "how many times to do I have to tell you. Slamming the door is not good" she folds her arm and looks at me sternly. I give her a toothy grin and watch as her eyes melt. I love this women.
I walk to her and kiss her cheek.
"Sorry mum"
"Sorry mum" she mimicks me. I chuckle at her.
"I'm hungry" I whine.
"Go upstairs and read Zuhr prayer then you can eat"
"Ok" I kiss her cheek once more and go upstairs to make wudhu.
I can't read prayer at school so I read it when I get home.

Once I'm done mum serves me lunch.
"How was school then?" Mum asks me. I sigh.
"It was the same ol. Stupid girls. Got an A in my recent test and Noor was being funny"
"What did he do this time?"
Just as I'm about to answer, the door opens with a "I'm HERE!"
"How about he tells you himself?" I laugh.
"Assalamualaikum Aunty" he smiles at her.
"Wassup man" Noor comes to me and we fist bump.
"Noor" mum says sternly
"What" he says innocently as he pinches a cucumber from my plate and puts it in his mouth.
"What happened in school today?"
"Oh, it was hilarious. Basically Aunty, remember when you said if you put mentos in a fizzy drink it explodes" I watch as mum facepalms herself.
"Well, I wanted to try it and did that at lunchtime and it fell all over the slutty girls. They were screaming and crying, and oh, it was so funny. And you know this guy in our class. He acts all tough and hard, so I got a tarantula that I found in the science lab and put in on his desk. The guy was screaming like a girl. I swear he was on the verge of crying" Noor laughs.
I can see mum is trying to hide a smile as she holds his left ear.
"You're so naughty"
"That's what I do" he shrugs.
"Noor seriously, it's not good to do all that. Ok maybe to the people close to you, but not people you don't know" mum explains. Yeah, she's not like most parents making sure he avoids doing it at all, no she makes sure that he can still do it but to all of us. I don't no whether to thank her or shout at her.
"Got it Aunty" Noor smiles cheekily.
"Anyways, I made cheesecake"
"You made cheesecake, I'm surprised Faheem mama (uncle) isn't here" I say

Minutes later the door bursts open. Honestly people, I get shouted at for slamming it but these guys can just come in however they want?
"I want cheesecake" mama shouts.
He comes next to me and ruffles my hair.
"How'd you know?"
"I have a sense" he smirks.
"And that sense is your wife ain't it" mum smirks. Mama nods and smiles sheepishly.
I wonder where dad is.

My phone buzzes and I check it to see I have a message.
Downstairs in the garage. Now!!!
I shake my head at his text. He's so dramatic.
I sneakily go downstairs to meet him.
"Alright, what is it?" I say.
He hits my head lightly.
"Where's the salaam?"
I grin
"Walaikumassalam. Now I've got the box. Did you do your part?"
Tommorow is mum's birthday and even though she never told me or dad we still have something planned.
"What did you get her?" I ask
Dad smirks.
"A silver bracelet"
"Pathetic" I laugh.
"Shut it, she's always wanted that bracelet"
"I got her this really nice abayah"
"And how did you choose it"
I scratch the back of my neck nervously.
"Erm, this girl helped me"
He looks amused as he tries not to laugh.
I glare at him. Yeah, a lot of people know that I don't talk to girls whereas Noor is exactly the opposite.
"Shut up"

Everyone's gone and it's almost 12. "Yaqub, go to sleep. You've got school tomorrow" mum says.
We're all sat on the sofa and I'm on my phone.
"Amma, five more minutes"
"Oi, it's 12 o' clock. You're not going to wake up tommorow and you're going to be late. Get your arse upstairs and into bed now!"
"Language! You're supposed to be a mother" I joke.
She growls at me.
"Easy tiger" I chuckle. I got that off mama, he said that it makes her more annoyed.
She gets up and that's enough for me to run to my room.
My phone beeps telling me it's 11:59 so I rush to the garage and get the box.
"Mum I just wanted to say-"
"You're still awake"
I bite my tongue so I don't reply with a comment. Normally I would say something like 'you know I can't go to sleep in less than a minute. It takes time' but it's her birthday and I know if I say it then I won't be able to give her the presents.
"Just one thing"
"Happy birthday" I give her a toothy grin. She smiles but it's a 'I'll let you off smile'
"Here is your present"
"What is it?"
"Open it" dad says as he walks towards me. I know why he's coming next to me.
We've secretly rigged the box to explode with confetti as soon as she opens it. Her hands pull the ribbon off and that's it. I hear a loud boom and there's confetti everywhere.
Me and Dad are laughing so hard. We stop after a while because we don't hear mum's shouts and screams. I search the room but she's not there. I look around the box and she's laying on the floor.
"Dad!" I shout. He comes next to me and sees her. He lifts her up and takes her to their room with me following.
"Ah shit. I'm sorry mum. I'm so sorry" I say sitting next to her. Dad sits on the other side holding her hand.
"Innayah, wake up. Please, I'm sorry. We're sorry"
"Dad this is all your fault!" I accuse. "Me? You're the one that came up with the idea!"
"Yeah but you're the one that said we have to pull a prank on her!"
Then we hear little laughs, turning our head slowly we face a smiling mum.

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