Chapter 2 - Unexpected

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I am not in a good mood today which is not normal since I am a really good morning person. I'm so frustrated and upset, maybe it's because I'm not going to be with my brother. Maybe it's because I won't see Farhan bhiya or Aunt. Maybe it's because I'm jealous. I'm jealous because my brother can visit my parents but I can't, I can't see them and it's agony.

"Innu" borobhiya calls
"Aren't you going to say bye to Farhan and Aunty" he says, leaning on the door frame.
"Yeah, just give me a minte" I say as I put on my cream shoes.

When I go downstairs I see a bored looking Farhan bhiya, a teary Aunty hugging my brother who seems to have lost his breathing.
"I'm going to miss you so much, don't forget us ok. And call me at least once a week"
"Ok Aunty, now if you don't let go, I'm afraid I will stop breathing"
Aunty lets go, and gives him a small smile. She finally sees me and starts to walk towards me.
"Innayah. I'm going to miss you so much. Take care ok mai"
I nod my head. She hugs me and I already know she's crying again, you wouldn't think she's going a month, you'd think it'll be longer. I start to chuckle.
"Aunty it's just a month. Not a year. I'll see you soon" I joke.
She hits me softly.
"So what. You're like my daughter mai, I'm going to miss you"
"I'm going to miss you too" I smile.

I walk to Farhan bhiya.
"Hey, I know you're eager to leave me but you can look a bit sad" I joke. He smiles before laughing.
"Sorry, do you want me to cry. I'm a pretty good cryer"
I tilt my head to the side.
"Hmmmm" I pretend to think but end up laughing along with him.
Farhan bhiya hugs me.
"I'll miss you Inni"
"Same here Fari"

Today everyone's going. Farhan bhiya and Aunty are going to America, borobhiya is going to Keighley and I'm going to Sajida's. I sigh deeply, if only we could just do it like last year.
Once Farhan bhiya and Aunty went out of the house I shut the door and went to my room to pack.

Borobhiya isn't leaving yet, he's going in two hours which gave him time to help me pack. I did my toiletries of course, he did my shoes and my scarfs. For a guy, he's got pretty good taste since he was matching everything up. I think he's learnt that if I'm wearing plain stuff I need a patterned scarf and vise versa.

"So when am I going?" I ask him.
"Before I'm going, I'm going to drop you off there"
"I'm sorry Innu. I know how much you want to come. But I don't get why you aren't"
"She doesn't want to see me" I say quietly
"That's not true and you know it" he says sternly.
"Yes it is! She said it herself, I disgust her. She can't stand the look of me. She can't stand anything that reminds her of me" I cry.
"Innu" bhiya says as he comes up and hugs me. I start crying softly into his shoulder.
"Shh, it's going to be ok" he tries to soothe me. After a while I'm really tired so bhiya tells me to sleep before we go.

He leaves the room and lets me go to sleep, but I can't. All I can think about is her, my own mother told me that she hates me! No one can live with that. I don't know when it is that I actually fall asleep but I'm woken up by bhiya a while later. I know I've only slept for a short amount of time. He tells me to get ready since we're leaving soon so I change my clothes, I get out a dark purple flowy long skirt with some leggings underneath and a plain purple top which I wear underneath my netted T-shirt. I get out my purple patterned scarf and wrap it around my head. Once I'm done pinning it in place, I get some bracelets and go downstairs.
Bhiya tells me to get in the car and wait so I do. It's not long before I'm asleep again.

"How long?" I ask him when I wake up. We're still in the car and he's still driving.
"10 minutes left"
"Oh, ok"
I didn't say anything after that, there was nothing to say. I'm not usually like this, normally I try and be cheery and most of the time I succeed but today I really cannot be asked.

"We're here" bhiya says and he parks the car. Literally a second later I see a round figure coming out of the door.
No way! I run out of the car.
"Oh my gosh, you're pregnant!" I shout as I approach her. She squeals.
"Yeah, I'm like 5 months. Not that you'd know" she says annoyed. Damn these mood swings.
I sigh.
"Still mad?"
"Trying very hard not to be" she laughs. I join in with her.
"Er guys" I hear bhiya struggle. I turn around. Woah when did I get so many bags.
"I swear. I didn't pack this much"
"I thought you might need extra" bhiya admits sheepishly. I laugh as I grab two of the bags. I don't let Sajida get one though.
"You're pregnant, no heavy weights" I scold her.
"Urgh, when did you become my mum" she says but laughs afterwards. I give her a pointed look.
"Fine!" She says as I walk to the door with her.
We get inside and I'm greeted by Aunty Amina. She hugs me and kisses my cheek then I go to the room I'm staying at to put my bags away.
"Zaaak" I hear Sajida shout from downstairs. I stop fixing my bag.
Zachy's here. How? I thought he wouldn't be because he's got work. Well.....This was unexpected.

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