Chapter 9 - A Big Surprise

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Innayah's POV

Everyone's been ignoring me or avoiding me. I guess it's what I deserve since I did the same for about three days. When I came downstairs for breakfast they were talking in secret and immediately stopped when they saw me. Then they left me alone and went out of the house.

I tried talking to them but they answered shortly and quickly then left me. I didn't know it felt so bad to be avoided.

I'm in the kitchen washing up some dishes when I hear the door slam. Thinking it's one of them I don't see who's there, if they don't want to be with me then I won't bother them.
"Hello" says a girly voice. I frown and turn around. I'm met with a little girl.

"Hi" I say
"Hi, is Noah here with Zak" Aw she's so sweet.
"No sweetie they're not here. Can I ask who you are"
"I'm Noah's sister"
"Oh, do you want me to find out where they are?"
"Yes please"

I call Zachy.
"Noah's sister is here. Where are you guys?"
"Ermm, just keep her with you. We'll be home in a while"
He hangs the phone without saying anything else.

"He said they'll be here in a while"
"What do you want to do while you're waiting for them?"
"I dunno" she says shyly.
Great we have two socially awkward people in the same house, one is a grown woman and the other is a seven year old girl.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I say
"Do you have Tangled?"
"I can check"
We walk into the living room and put a movie on. I can't remember the last time I've done that. After I put it on I get up to go.
"Don't go" she says with pleading eyes
Aww. I can't say no to that.
I sit next to her and she cuddles my arm. Wow she's gets attached really quickly. I watch the movie trying to ignore the sweet girl coming closer and closer to me.
It's the end of the movie and they still haven't came. I call Zachy again.

"What!" He snaps
"Why are you so angry" I say annoyed. I didn't even do anything!
"Oh, I thought it was someone else"
"Didn't you check your phone before answering?"
"Do you think I did?"
"You still haven't came to get Noah's sister" I change the subject as I'm getting very irritated.
"I'm telling Noah to come now" and then he hangs up. Urgh what's his problem.

"Miss?" I look at the girl.
"Oh, my name"s Innayah"
"Mine's Maya"
"I like your name"
"Thank you. I like you"
I raise my eyebrows and laugh.
"Thank you. I like you too"
"I've never seen you before. Who are you?"
"Do you know Sajida?"
"Yes, she's getting a baby now"
"Yes she is. I'm her best friend"
"Ohh, then are you Zak's girlfriend?"
I ignore the butterflies erupting in my stomach
"No sweetie. I'm his friend.. that's it"
"Oh sorry"
"Tell me about yourself Maya"
"Ok. My name is Maya and I'm eight years old" ok I was wrong about her age "I'm Noah's favorite sister and I have this many friends" she says as she shows me ten fingers.
"Now your turn"
"Ok, my name is Innayah and I'm 24 years old. I'm Sajida's best friend and I have this many friends" I say showing her five fingers.
"Now you have this many" she shows six. "I'm your friend too"
"Ok" I smile.

The door opens and Noah rushes to the living room.
"Maya, you're not allowed to come here alone. Why didn't you listen to me? You are big trouble young lady"
I laugh slightly at his outburst.
"But Noah look. I made a friend, she's very kind and pretty don't you think?"
Noah looks at me and smiles but turns his attention back to Maya.
"Maya, we need to go home"
"Noo, I like her. I want to stay with her" she comes to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I'm shocked to say the least.
"Maya I don't think she would want that"
"Chill Noah it's fine. I'll take care of her for a few minutes and then you can come get her again"
He looks uncertain but gives in.
"Yes!" Maya says then kisses my cheek. Again this girl shocks me.
"Maya you need to listen to her and do everything she says ok?"
Maya walks to him and kisses his cheek.
"Innayah, I'm trusting you. Keep her safe"
"Oh my gosh. Do you think I'm going to kill her or something? Noah, calm down she's going to be here" I say while laughing.
"Alright alright" he chuckles.

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