The Dark Worrior of the Sea

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In a small but semi- famous town of Provincetown, cape cod, worked a girl. A girl who to most, just seemed out of place. She seemed lost in thought. This girl was named Nyra.

Nyra has hair dark as night, eyes of amethyst and pale skin with a pinkish glow. She is more on the shorter side, but she doesn't mind it much.

She works in a nice little dive bar at night and during the day she works at the shell shop. They are not to far apart so she is able to walk across the street for the late shift. Nyra loves her jobs. They make it so much easer for her to live, you see Nyra is always alone. Her mother works in New York City and only comes home here and there. Her father, he's a fisherman. He attempts to catch tuna for a living. He may or may not be the best fisherman of his time but he still cares for his daughter and wife. Nyra went to get a job when she was young so she wouldn't have so much free time.

When she does have free time, which is quite rare, she walks around P-town and takes photographs. During the summer the tourists are interesting to photograph. Some wear the most ridiculous things. I agree with her it's so great.

Now I've told you about her family and her looks but not her faults yet. She has a rebellious attitude. Nyra has a small problem with being told what to do and when to do it. Ever since she was a young child, she grew up doing her own thing. Her parents gave her a lot of freedom because she knew right from wrong and she could take care of herself. She also has a thing. That thing is she hates the water. She hates that it is so alluring. She hates the color, the smell, everything about it. But she absolutely loves to swim. And with all this information, now we start with our true story.

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