Intell on the mystery guy

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Chapter 7

"So how did you figure out that you could heal?" I asked awkwardly waiting in my bed for my tail to go away.

"I was goofing around one day in New York. I was hanging out in middle town and was shot. My first instinct was to find water. Once I did... I don't know I just healed myself. And I've been practicing everyday since." Dillan said with clouded eyes.

"Sorry shouldn't have asked...." I grumbled out.

"It's fine, you were just curious about your own power." He said still in a days.

"I'm gonna go for a swim. Anyone want to come?" Nick asked walking into the room cautiously.

"I would but I'm a little caught up here." I said with a bright big smile on my face.

"My god don't do that again. I almost peed myself." Nick said laughing slightly.

"God now I see why you don't smile."dillan muttered.

"Hey I smile! It just takes a bit of work." I mumbled.

"She does have a magnificent smile." Cole says carefully eyeing me.

"I'm sure she does." Dillan says with a look of approval.

"Okay can we not give those comments and looks while I'm topless..." I said flatly.

"Why not? Not like I haven-" Dillan was cut off.

"Don't go there, boy." I said in a very cold almost inhuman voice.

"Okay okay..." He said as his hands flew from his sides to the air.

"Sorry Nick. I'll go with you tomorrow. " I said realizing the sad face on Nicks well, face.

"Okay." And he walked away.

"Why is this taking longer than usual!" I yelled from my annoying place in the bed.

"Because you're freaking out..." Dillan muttered.

"No it just seems longer." Cole muttered.

Okay these boys are gonna make me crazy... Tail! Begone!

Then, there was a slight cold burn around where my ankles should be. I looked down and my tail was no longer there and my tan muscular legs were in place of the purple tail.

"Finally!" I jumped up. I took a glance at the time. 7:00. Okay.

"Have somewhere to be?" Dillan asked cockily.

"Yeah, home. Cole can you drive me?" I asked looking around for my shoes.

"Yeah su-" he was cut off.

"I can take her." Dillan said smugly.

"Oh no you don't!" Cole shot back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked a little off. I looked at cole like he was crazy.

"He rides a motorcycle." He states in disgust.

"Oh... I'll just take Cole's jeep than." I walk up to cole and extend my hand out to him.

"I'll come too." Dillan offered.

He drops the keys in my hand ever so slowly. Than, wraps his hands around mine.

"You hurt her and I'll hunt you down." Cole tried to growl but ended up laughing instead.

"Okay okay. I get it." Dillan raised his hands in serenader.

"No I meant my jeep..." Cole muttered. I think Dillan just died a little inside.

"What do you mean the car!" He yelled at his brother shaking his fist at him.

As they argued about the car I got in the drivers seat. I fixed the seat so I could actually reach the petals and fixed the mirrors. I plug my phone into the cord and blast paramore as loud as she goes with our breaking my phone. Luckily, Dillan took this as his cue to hope in the passenger seat. I drove off trying to remember how to get home from here.

"So how's your arm?" He asked lowering the volume on my phone.

"Good as new thanks to you! It's just there is a large white blotch on my arm." I keep my eyes locked on the road.

"That's easy to take care of I promise. Hey can we stop at the local scoop? I want ice cream." He enthusiastically declares pointing at the yogurt and ice place.

I pull into the parking lot. There was a colorful sign and chairs out front. I hopped out of the car, locking it behind me. Dillan ran to the ice cream and started putting every type into a cup. The scoop is a self serve ice cream and frozen yogurt joint.

I walked slowly to the frozen yogurt and put some of the watermelon flavor in a small cup.

I look over to see Dillan putting all the toppings he can on top of his ice cream. He had the biggest smile On his face. I walk over to him and take the one topping he doesn't touch.

"Why are you taking THAT?" He asks like I'm insane.

I examined the purple flower with white stripping, twirling it in my free hand.

"It's an edible flower." I grabbed another and placed it in my yogurt.

I walk to the counter to pay. I place my yogurt on the scale and took a spoon. The cashier with long brown hair, not as long as Dillan or Cole's, and deep honey golden eyes looked at me for a moment and blushed.

I traced the chain at my side to my wallet and pulled out three dollars and hand it to him. My hand brushed against his and I blushed. I grabbed my yogurt and walked over to Dillan. He looked at me like the idiot he was.

"He likes you" he says in a mocking tone.

"Shut up and pay for your heart attack." I said with a major blush.

I eat my ice cream and watch Dillan walk away. He dropped his cup on top of the scale and watched the price slowly. The guy behind the counter started talking to him but I couldn't hear them. The lad shied away from Dillan and asked him for the money. Dillan leaned onto the counter handing him a debit card. The guy took the card and dealt with the transaction. Dillan looked over at me every once in a while than finally looked the lad right in the eyes.

"...Keep away..." Was all I heard from Dillan. He probably said some other mean things too.

I just turned around and walked to the car. I got in and started her up. Dillan got in soon after and he looked out the window while eating his disaster meal.

"So what was that about?" I asked finally.

"Look. There is no need to flirt with other guys. You have me or Cole or Nick an I'm going to assume others but you will need to choose one soon." He said putting the empty bowl in his lap.

"Look. I don't like nick like that. He is like the brother I wish I had. Plus, I don't know with Cole and I just met you!" I grumbled.

"Okay?" Was all he said.

The rest of the ride was silent. I got home and went to my room. My aunt was out so I had no explaining to do and Dillan took the jeep home.

I cleaned my face, put pj's on and went to bed. Time for dream land.


Dear readers,

Sorry for the slow chapter. Hopeful ill come up with a better next chapter. *insert awkward laugh here*


Nikki lee

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