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Chapter 5

"Come on already! You're so slow!" Cindy yelled in her 'get your ass moving' voice.

I stepped out of the back wearing a pare of faded jean shorts, a black strapless shirt, a red vest, red high top converse and my sailor bag slung over my shoulder.

"Hi. Sorry, I couldn't find my shoes." I said walking behind the counter and searching for my phone. I quickly glance up to see Cole awkwardly looking around. I quickly snatch my phone from by the sharks in a bottle and I walk to his side.

"I'll see ya later guys." I said waving at Cindy and Tessa. They both waved back with big grins on there faces. I rolled my eyes and we left the store.

"You sure you have everything?" He asked in an almost joking tone. I bumped him with my shoulder while we walked.

"We left didn't we?" I teased. Than I saw that Kaito was barking. Oh god help me. Than I heard a wolf whistle leave his mouth.

"And the creature leaves her cave" he says placing his sunglasses lower on his nose. That's when he saw who I was walking with. His features tightened. "Why are you with that one. One party and you think you're top shit. Are you to hooking up?"

"No we're just going for a walk then to do a little surfing. But I left my board at home so were gonna have to go back for it." I said and Cole looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh. So then why are you all dresses up?" Kaito asked raising an eyebrow.

"" Crap. My cheeks burned, I'm defiantly blushing. "I just thought you are I were gonna chill after work so I grabbed clothes. okay?" I said messing with my hair.

"Yeah sure okay. Just go on so I don't get in trouble. And um... Be careful, Nyra." He mumbled a bit.

"Uh bye. Ill give ya a call later okay?" I said and started to walk back over to where Cole was. He really is anti-social. I didn't even realize he stopped walking.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly. We continued to walk. "So where are we going?" I looked up at him but he just continued to walk.

"One if my favorite places to swim up here. " he said.

He walked with nothing said. I on the other hand smiled to everyone and waved at the people I knew. I pet every single dog we passed and they all smiled I swear. Someone else was smiling too. Or should I say smirking. Cole must of found this humorous.

"We're almost there." He said his tone leaking some emotion out.

We passed my friend Dallas's house and I knew where we were going. The jetty.

"I know where we're going." I said with a small skip to my step.

"Oh really?" He said lifting an eye brow.

"The jetty is this way." I said with a small smirk.

"Yeah It is... I love to swim there because boats can't get past the rocks and the water is really clear." He said.

"That's where it started... For me. That's where I found the pearl that turned blue in my hands." I said quietly. I now was looking back at my feet. I hate shoes. They're so constructing.

"Than this is where you will feel the safest. It's like another home." He said in his normal voice but his tone seemed softer. "So this is where it began for you than. What do you think?"

"I think it's freaking awesome. I'm a mermaid. You're a merman and I have people who are my friends now. I love it." I said walking up to the breakwater herself.

"So want to go for a swim or walk along the breakwater and swim on the other side?" He asked unsurely.

"Hmm. I say we jump right in!" I said removing my pants and shirt to expose my black board shorts and black and white stripped string bikini top. I looked around and saw no one than I looked back at Cole. "Close your eyes I have to take my top off or ill have nothing on when my purple friend comes." I said starting to untie the top string. He turned around with his eye closed.

I walked out a little on to the jetty, with no top on and dove right into the water. It was freezing at first but the cold counter balanced the frostbite cold I normally get with my scaly tail. This is lovely!!! I reached up and grabbed my top from the rocks and put it back on. Nice and secure.

"It's safe." I said floating on my back.

I heard a splash. Than I sunk underwater out of curiosity. Moving my hair out of place I could now see Cole.

His tail was as deep and rich in color as mine. His tail was blue. A deep dark midnight blue color. I love it. He has two dorsal fins that fray off at the ends, as well.

In the water his eyes were no longer a grey color. They no longer held only sorrow. His eyes were as blue as the ocean herself. The orbs even have the rays of light through them. They are spectacular.

I swam up to him and poked his cheek.

"You look even more mysterious and serious under water." I spoke than I quickly clamped my hands over my mouth. I spoke under water. Damn!!

"Relax, We can speak underwater. We can breath, talk, swim. It's like living out of the water. All the rules are the same. Come on, swim like this." He said kicking his fins up and down. Than he started to kick side to side out of the light. I kicked both my legs at once.





We swam till we hit land. We didn't go any where we just sat on the ocean floor. I looked around at all the rocks and sea grass at the bottom.

"It's so peaceful here. " I breathed out.

"Yeah you think so now. In spring this whole area is filled with great whites." He chuckled out. His chuckle had a slight hint to it that sounded like a dolphin with a deep voice. Or at least under water it did.

"Damn... Good thing sharks are cute. And you swim like one too! That's so cool!" I yelled the last parts.

"You think sharks are cute?" He asked ignoring my yelling.

"Yes! I love them. They rock! I mean come on they are like lions. They are kings of the ocean. Plus just look at there faces and tell me they aren't cute." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"You are so strange." He added.

"You know it!" I hollered out. "So lets see. You said something on the phone earlier about powers?"

"Yeah so some merfolk have powers like super powers." Was his answer

"Like on H2O." I added

"Yes like that. But some have mind control, telekinesis, the list goes on." He said toiling with some sea grass.

"Okay? So how do we find out. You have my attention now." I said poking his arm.

"Well, later my mother will sit you down and figure it out. That's her thing not mine." He said with his hair flowing back into his face.

"So what now?" I asked.

"You got swimming down so why not just swim around a little." He said raising his shoulders up than letting them fall back down.

It took me a second to realize we were still underwater. I like it down here.

"Why don't we swim to race point. It's not far from here and the whales might be there. We can go frolic in the ocean." I said smiling.

Have I mentioned I like it here. I hate the water. But this place is so magical. Maybe the ocean isn't as bad as I thought. I mean most people are just afraid of sharks. I'm not. I just don't like depths... And for a mermaid that might be a problem.

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