A not so normal day at work.

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Chapter 4

"go over it again." Cole said from the drivers seat of his black jeep, parked in the neighbors drive way.

"Hey, Carol, so I got home a little past midnight but you were already asleep so I didn't want to really wake you. I did nudge you and I told you I was home. You only rolled over and said okay. Than I went to bed. I even got up this morning and went for a nice walk and had cereal on the porch." I rehearsed my monologue for the up most millionth time. Go figure.

Nick decided to stay home this morning. He said he wanted to swim before everyone else got up. It makes sense since he is uncomfortable around the others. They all seem so crude.

"Okay sounds good you should be fine. Here give me your phone." He commands with his hand out to me.

"No" I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Fine, Than." He hands me his phone. "Put your number in."

I take his phone and type in my number. I hand it back and take a deep breath.

"I'll call you around noon." Cole says and turns the car on.

I get out of the car and walk to the back yard. There is an out door shower there with a towel waiting for me. Thanks Tessa! I hop into the shower and relax to the warm water. Then the cold burn hit me.

I stared at the tail I gained. I took the soap and washed the scales carefully. Than I washed my hair and face.

It's about 5 in the morning. Only Tessa is up. From the looks of things she knew something was up and left me a towel. God I love this chick.

I got out of the shower and went to the back door. I knocked on the door.

"Anyone up yet?" I called not loud enough to wake anyone but loud enough for anyone in the house to hear me.

"Your home! How was the morning walk?" Tessa asked opening the kitchen window over the sink so she can see me.

"It was glorious! The sunrise was nice today." I answered easily.

"Lovely. I see you found the towel I left for you."she closed the window and opened the door to the house.

"Yes thanks. I left my keys in my room." I chuckled.

"You are so forgetful sometimes." She walked into the bathroom and started to do her hair.

"Are you takin' me to work today?" I asked walking over to the stairs.

"I was thinking you should drive me for once." I could see the smirk on her face.

"Ugh I hate driving." I groaned.

"Oh relax. I'll just drive." She said plugging in the curling iron.

I walked up the stairs and stopped at the top of the stairs. There are three doors up here. To the left is Carol's room. To the right is the room Emi and I share and in front of me is the bathroom.

I take the right to my room. I open the door and see jake has taken over my bed. He sees me and hopes up off the pillow and moves to the end of the bed.

"When did you get home?" Emi mumbled in her half asleep state.

"Around midnight. " I answered. Still standing in the door way.

"Yeah okay. And where did you sleep?" She questioned looking for her phone.

"The porch. I fell asleep drinking tea last night. Than this morning I went for a walk to the beach." I said moving over to the closet.

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