Swiming swiming swiming

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Chapter 9

Dustin walked up to the passenger seat, opened the door, grabbed nick's shirt and threw him to the ground. Cursing and yelling the whole way. I turned the car off and jumped out of the car.

Dustin lifted his hand and punched nick in the jaw. Nick moved out of the way slightly but he was still hit. Instantly his jaw was red and started to bruise. Nick didn't fight back much. Dustin kept hitting him over and over.

"What on earth are you doing!" I yelled at him kicking him in his side and sending him flying away from Nick.

"You hit me." He said solemnly holding his now very bruised side.

"Yes I kicked you. You have no right to harm him the way you just did. He's my friend. He was just coming for a swim with me so chill out." I said walking over to Nick. I grabbed his arm and helped him up off the blood covered ground. Nick hid slightly behind me. I made it half way to the passenger door before Dustin was there yelling at me some more.

"I don't care if he's your friend. Youre my girl and I don't want to share." He yelled in my face.

I shoved him aside and place the beaten and bruised Nick in the seat, locking the door from the inside in the process. I closed the door and turned around.

"You can not hurt him again and I won't stand for it if you do. I don't care if you think I'm your mate. I am still my own person. I don't go for that crapy lovey stuff so don't bother. You can come talk to me in a year or so when your more mature and you won't beat up my friends." My lecture continued for what seemed like ages. His face was priceless. You could tell he was not expecting to be reprimanded. This is my point. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know what to expect from me.

I than walked around the back of the car, opened my door and got in. I turned the music up and played never too late by three days grace. I drove to one of the ponds by my house.

I parked the car in one of the spots I made years ago with my dad. This pond is completely abandoned and a natural spring. The water is warm and very clear, something you don't find often on cape cod. Nick was sleeping off the wounds but I shook his shoulder slightly.

"I'm gonna go for a swim. Come join me if ya want but we don't have long. I have work at eleven." I said not loudly but not quiet either. He replied with a hmm and I walked to the back of the car. I grabbed my bikini top and towel from the trunk. I dropped them by a rock and dove into the water. The rush felt great on my scales.

I surfaced and grabbed the swim suit top. I put it on and continued to swim around for a while. I poked around under water to see what was down there. If anything interesting at least.

The deeper I swam the brighter the water became. I just don't understand how that's possible. I found a little divot in the wall which with farther exploration was actually an underwater cave. I swam in and found an area where there is air. The water didn't completely take over the cave. There is soft small grain sand everywhere. It's like it's a mini beach with out the sun. My own grotto. I've decided this place will be my new secret hideaway.

I swam back to the rock where I left the towel. It was maybe a ten minute swim threw the dark water. Once I got back I dragged myself out of the water and dried my tail. With every stroke from the towel came an intense burn. My tail is not meant to be dried I'm sure but I still have work soon. I have about forty minutes to work and it's only a thirty minute drive. Now lets hope there is no traffic.

"Nick, wake up! You missed your chance to go for a swim. I have to get to work." I spoke calmly.

"Okay okay. Just take me to town with you ill hang around till your off or something." He mumbled.

I was going to try and see Kaito after work but I guess I can see him tomorrow.

"Okay." I guess.

I drove towards town and played some music softly. So nick would still sleep. The poor boy looked like shit.

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