Chapter 34

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                              Chapter 34 : The trap is sprung ( rat trap that is! )

"Cornelius Fudge had, not surprisingly, resigned as Minister for Magic and Rufus Scrimgeoner took over that post.  Kingsley Shacklebolt was assigned as liaison/bodyguard to the Muggle Prime Minister," Sirius began.  "When we decided to bring the whole 'Peter Pettigrew isn't dead' thing to the Ministry, Harry suggested that we should ask for the special hearing before the Wizengamot to be held on his birthday.  We, that is the adults in the Order, were in on the joke, but the Ministry people were clueless,"

There were smiles, laughs and smirks all around the room.  Then Sirius took a deep breath and plunged into the story.

* * *

Dumbledore approached the door of the chamber where Peter Pettigrew was being held at Hogwarts and opened the peephole.  Seeing that Peter was in his human form, the Headmaster unlocked the door and entered, sealing it behind himself.  The room was furnished with a bed, wardrobe, table and chair, a book case with a few volumes on the shelves and a small window overlooking the lake.  The one odd feature of the room was the fact that it was lined entirely with magically re-enforced wire mesh; no escaping this 'cage', no matter which form Peter assumed.

"Good morning, Peter,' Albus said, watching the former Marauder over his horn-rimmed glasses.

"Morning," came the sullen reply.

"I've come to inform you that we will soon be taking you before the Wizengamot, at which time you will confess your part in the murders of James and Lily Potter and of your escape.  Those gathered will be informed that Sirius had nothing to do with it and that you killed those unfortunate Muggles and cut off your own finger to put the blame on him," instructed Albus, in his 'I will be obeyed' Headmaster voice.

"Don't you think my being there in front of them would make that pretty obvious?" countered Pettigrew, in a rare show of bravery and cheek, talking back to Dumbledore as if they were discussing a hypothetical situation.

"No, I don't think that would be sufficient; you must exonerate Sirius and own up to your complicity in the whole dreadful business, Peter. Can't have you saying you escaped to save yourself from Sirius, although I believe, at that moment, he very well would have surely killed you," countered Albus.  "Be that as it may, you will tell the whole truth and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were working for Voldemort, you were, and still are a Death Eater and that you also killed Cedric Diggory two years ago."

Peter blanched; he'd forgotten all about the incident in the graveyard when he helped Voldemort return during the last task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Aiding and abetting the Dark Lord by betraying the Potters was one thing, but deliberate murder was something else. He'd get the 'Dementors Kiss' for sure!

Falling to his knees, he crept toward Dumbledore, folded hands held up in supplication.  "Please, Headmaster, don't let them condemn me to the 'Kiss'!"

Dumbledore took one step backward, stopping Wormtail advancing any further.

"It is not up to me, Peter.  It will be the judgment of the Wizengamot that decides your fate."  Albus sounded neither sad nor vengeful, just factual, neutral in his tone.  That frightened Pettigrew more that the information he'd been given; if even Dumbledore wasn't inclined to show him mercy . . .

Peter rose from the floor, a grimace on his face. "I'll tell them Narcissa was there; she helped Black and McGonagall, she's a traitor to the Dark Lord.  I may be finished, but then so will the Malfoys . . . "

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