Chapter 10

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                                                  Chapter 10 : Good news and bad news

"Dan!"   "Emma?!"  "Hey, Rupert!"

The front door of #12 had blown open and the group returning from St. Mungo's burst into the front hall, Harry, Hermione and Ron shouting for their 'twin'.  While Remus and Molly stopped to cover Sirius' mother's portrait, who had added to the noise by starting to scream and rant, the young people ran into the front parlor and threw their arms around their counterparts, hugging them and trying to tell them what happened, while the twins and Ginny added to the general hubbub.

Mad-eye stomped into the room and roared, "QUIET!"

There was instant silence, as Molly and Remus joined them, shutting the door behind.

"Now, as it was too crowded at St. Mungo's and we couldn't talk in the car with Dung driving, I suggest we take a seat so all of us can hear about what happened and if your plan," his magical blue eye whirling around to look at Dan, Emma, Rupert and Tom, "worked or what."

"We'd all like to know," replied Dan.  "So, did it work?  Did you get that plant out of there?"

"Yes, Neville reacted just as you thought he would, the plant was removed and then I had a chat with Gran and Neville is getting his own wand at Ollivander's, as we speak!"  Harry replied, with a big grin on his face.

"Wand? What's this about his wand?" asked Molly.

"Mrs. Longbottom gave Neville his father's wand to use; never got him one of his own.  So Neville's never really been that good with his spells. Remember, Mr. Ollivander always says 'the wand chooses the Wizard'.  Well, Neville has Frank Longbottom's wand and it won't work right for him, even if it is his Dad's.  I convinced Gran to take him to get his own wand as a reward for saving Mr. Bode's life,"  Harry explained.

"So that's what you two were discussing over in the corner,"  Ron said, looking at Harry, who nodded his head.  "And since when are you calling her Gran?"

"Gave me permission, thanking me for pointing out the error of her reasoning about the wand.  She really has a wicked sense of humor, too, even about herself.  She called herself an 'old battleaxe' and was proud of it!"

That revelation brought smiles and laughter from everyone.

"Well, I'm glad it all went well, but, unfortunately, that little test is the easiest thing you all are going to be doing, until Voldemort is gone.  We've got lists of things that need to be talked about and planned, starting with getting a few more people here to join us."  Rupert reminded them, as he picked up a list and glanced down the page.

"First, Remus, we need you to go to Hogwarts and bring back the Headmaster, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape and Dobby."

"Right.  How much should I tell them?  You know Albus and Minerva will come without hesitation, but Severus might take some persuading."  Remus questioned.

"Tell him the truth; it's a matter of life and death, his death in particular.  Tell him that if he doesn't come and help us, all the years he's spent trying to protect Harry and risking his life spying for Albus will amount to a pile of dragon dung!"  Dan told him, a smile on his face.

"Oh, he won't like that one bit, mate,"  Harry snickered.

"Okay, fine . . . worst case scenario; put him in a body bind and haul him here!" Dan looked at Remus and grinned wickedly.  "Wing it, Remus.  Have Albus insist he come . . . whatever it takes; just get him here!"

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