Chapter 67

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                                       Chapter 67 : "Parting is such sweet sorrow . . ."

"Well," Albus stood and faced the gathered Witches, Wizards and guests.  "As much fun as this has been, I'm sorry to say the time has come to say goodbye to our friends.  They must return to their lives and we must all get on with our own."

Harry stood and walked to stand next to the Headmaster.

"But first, I think we should give three cheers for Dan, Rupert, Emma and Tom. Hip-hip!"






Wild applause, whistles and shouts rang out, as all of the members of the Magical world came forward and engulfed the four Muggles, hugging, kissing, saying their good-byes, with not a few tears of gratitude mixed in the expressed sentiments being given.

All too soon, the goodbyes were over and the whole Weasley contingent made their way out the door, along with the resident teachers.

"Headmaster,"  Emma said, tugging on his sleeve.

"Yes, Emma?"

"Don't you think it's a bit dangerous for all of the children to know about us . . . I mean, the adults that went through it will keep the change of events to themselves, but young children might be tempted  to brag that they know a 'secret'."  Emma looked up at the old Wizard and saw that famous twinkle in his eyes.

"Have no worries about that, my dear,"  he said, bending over to whisper to her.  "Filius is going to visit all of them tonight, as they sleep, to do a 'Memory Modification' on each of them.  All they'll remember of today is family and friends gathering for a picnic lunch, with a Quidditch match in the afternoon.   And they hold those kinds of events fairly regularly, so today will just blend in with the rest and become part of their collective childhood memories," he explained.

"Oh, well, then that's not a worry anymore, is it?"  Emma gave  a sigh of relief.

"We left nothing to chance when we planned for your visit," Albus reassured her, as they turned to join the others.

X X X 

The Malfoys were saying their good-byes to Dan, Tom and Rupert when Emma and Albus joined them.

"Oh, I am going to miss you,"  Cissa said, as she hugged Emma.  "But, who knows,  we might run into each other at Logan, coming or going . . . "

"Wouldn't that be funny; you could act like fans, I'd give you my autograph and we'd share a cup of tea, being British, chatting, waiting for our flights," laughed Emma.  "I'd be none the wiser and " she leaned closer and added softly," you could see how I was doing and report back to Draco."

Cissa looked at the young woman standing in front of her, both feeling the tears threatening to fall, so they just hugged again.

"Take care of yourself, Cissa and also that husband of yours.  Do try to keep him from buying out L. L. Bean's, won't you?" Emma joked, to break the tension.

"A forlorn hope, at best, my dear.  There's no controlling Lucius once he's through the front door," Narcissa replied, rolling her eyes.

"Did I hear my name and Bean's in the same sentence?" inquired the Wizard in question, as he turned to Emma.  "I promise to leave some of the merchandise for you and your friends, Emma, dear," he added, as he hugged her good-bye.

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