Chapter 45

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                                  Chapter 45 : Quidditch for Muggles 101

As Draco and Emma climbed the stairs into the stands that ringed the Quidditch Pitch, they could hear the voices of the Weasley grandchildren raised in enthusiastic cheering, as they watched two of their group race each other to one end of the pitch, swing around the goal posts and head for a finish line at the other end.

"Ah, speed races," smiled Draco. "Fun but safe for beginners."

"They really are flying awfully fast!"  Emma gasped, as James Potter crossed the line a half a broom length in front of Rose Weasley. "At least Rose has her father's Quidditch skills . . . Hermione is strictly a spectator."

"And speaking of spectators, here come Mother and Father," Draco whispered in her ear, having spotted his parents descending on them.

"Good morning, Draco, darling," Narcissa called. "Good morning, Emma."

"Mother." Draco rose and kissed his mother on the cheek and then looked at his father.  "Hello, Father, you two are here early."

"Ah, well, I had a report to drop off to Albus from Kingsley, and we heard about the action down here at the Quidditch Pitch and thought we'd come watch.  Good morning, Emma."

Emma and Narcissa had just greeted each other with a hug, but Emma walked over to the tall blond man and gave him a kiss on the cheek .  "Good morning, Lucius!"

"Seems the Weasleys have provided an entire squad, with substitutes,"  Draco laughed, pointing to the collection of children surrounding Arthur down on the infield grass.

"Goodness, that is quite a crowd," exclaimed Cissa.

"Indeed . . . and they all seem to be naturals at flying, too, even to my untrained eyes," agreed Emma.

"Where are your fellow time travelers, Emma?"  Lucius asked, as he took a seat.

"They went to see the Thestrals, but I've never seen anyone die, so it was not something I had any desire to do . . . . Draco and I took a walk by the lake instead," she added, smiling sweetly.

"So, you have no interest in Magical creatures?" Lucius questioned.

"Oh, of course I do.  I have been introduced to Buckbeak, Fawkes, the House Elves and you'll never guess what I saw in the Forest, while we were visiting Buckbeak." 

"What?" Narcissa asked.

"A unicorn!  And her baby . . . the cutest little thing, all gold in color, no horn, of course . . . Hagrid explained about that.  But then, Hagrid named the little colt Emma!  And the mother agreed!  Isn't that wonderful!"

"You saw a unicorn!  How marvelous . . .they really are a wondrous creature, aren't they?" replied Cissa.

"Actually, Mother, Emma walked right up to the colt and made friends with it before the mother walked out of the Forest . . . she thought it was a horse," Draco informed his mother, watching for her reaction.  He wasn't disappointed;  Narcissa's eyes flew open, she looked at Emma and then at Lucius, who, Draco noted with a smirk of satisfaction, looked properly gob-smacked.

Narcissa recovered quickly, smiled and then shot Lucius an 'I told you so' look.

"Well, I suppose after meeting a unicorn, the Thestrals would have been a bit anti- climatic, isn't that right, Lucius."

"What . . oh, yes . . .right!"  Lucius looked over to his son, smiling weakly.

Emma, whose attention had been diverted by the continuing races down on the field, had missed the looks passing between the Malfoys.  Draco was beaming at her when she glanced at him.

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