Chapter 36

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  • Dedicated to beckaboo2000

Chapter 36 : Remus' Revenge

"Wait!" screeched Bella. "Is he dead?"  She started toward the entrance of the Headmaster's office stairs, but Draco spun around and stepped in front of her.

"Dead? DEAD?"  He threw back his head and laughed.  "Do you know anybody who has been hit with two 'Avada Kadavra' spells and lived, Auntie dear?"

"Don't make more of an ass of yourself than you already have, Bella," snarled Snape.  "Draco and I fulfilled the Dark Lord's orders.  Now I suggest you lead your little band of merry-makers to safety . . . and be quiet about it, or you'll get us all captured."

He waved his hand at the Carrows, indicating they should start on their way,  Fenrir took one last look at the gargoyle guarding the stairs, smiled wickedly and turned to follow the brother and sister down the hallway.

Bella was seething, but knew arguing would give away their presence, if they made too much noise, so she turned abruptly and stalked off in the werewolf's wake, Draco and Severus following behind.

As they started down the last corridor toward the 'Room of Requirement' they heard voices.  Throwing out his arm, Amycus Carrow halted them, turning and putting his finger to his lips.  Stopping short of the corner where they would have turned to get to the door, they listened and then Draco peeked quickly around the edge of the wall and found the way blocked by two members of the staff; Professor Flitwick and McGonagall, with Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley at their side. 

"It's Flitwick, McGonagall, Longbottom and the Weasel," he whispered.

"Psst!"  Bella started walking forward. "Children and old fools . . . "

"Quiet!"  hissed Fenrir, grabbing her arm and yanking her to a halt.  "If they see us they'll raise an alarm!"

"Quickly, follow me," whispered Severus.  "We'll have to get around them and collect the others as we go."

Turning, they followed the Potions Professor to a nearby tapestry, which he pulled aside, revealing a narrow staircase.  The Carrows grinned and hurried through the opening and started downward, followed by Draco and Fenrir. Bella hesitated, but Snape bowed and swept his arm, indicating she should go first.

"After you, Madam Lestrange," Severus said silkily, sneer on his face.

Rather than waste time in a verbal joust, she lifted her chin and proceeded down the narrow steps. They emerged into a little used hallway, which they traveled as quickly as they could without actually running.  As they emerged at the main stairs, they heard shouting coming from a lower landing.  Fenrir looked over the banister and saw figures running down the stairs.

"There they go!" came a shout from below and then the sound of spells . . . someone was dueling

"One of those fools you put out there to guard our backs was spotted," Fenrir hissed at Bella.  "We'd better get out of here before the whole castle wakes up!"

No sooner did he finish speaking, they heard the sound of running footsteps approaching, forcing them back into the hallway.  Neville and Ron came thundering down the main stairs and past them, heading for the sounds of the fight below.  Bella leaped out, aiming her wand at Neville's back, but was knocked halfway down the stairs but a blast from above.  Draco ducked his head so no-one would see him grinning.

"Incarcerous!" Filius Flitwick's voice rang out, even as ropes shot from his wand to wrap themselves around Bella's figure.

But just as quickly, Severus countered  the spell, as the Carrows jumped out onto the landing, turning to face Flitwick and McGonagall. Hearing the commotion behind them, Ron and Neville spun around and joined in the fight, forcing Draco, Severus and Fenrir to take cover.  Bella had regained her footing and turned on Ron and Neville, but she was surprised to see Tonks sprinting up the stairs, wand out, to help the boys.

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