Chapter 58

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                                        Chapter 58 : Oh, now you've done it!

Severus stood talking to the Heads of House after the evening meal on the day before the start of Spring Break.  The Carrows were lingering at the rear of the Great Hall, visibly upset that they weren't privy to the conversation going on at the faculty table.  Snape ignored them after sending one withering look in their direction.

"Harry, Ron and Hermione will accompany you three to your House Common Rooms tonight and talk to the students.  They have made their presence abundantly clear in the last two weeks and I will have to bring this 'invasive' behavior to everyone's attention tomorrow during announcements after breakfast.  I have talked to the other teachers and they are staying home, as there will be no classes tomorrow and those few who reside here permanently know what's to happen."

There were nods of understanding, as each knew the part they were to play in the next day's excitement.

"I will lower the 'Anti-Apparation Wards' before entering the Great Hall tomorrow morning, Severus.  But do be careful, that window won't break easily,"  Filius Flitwick added, jerking his head toward the huge window in the wall behind them.

"I'll try to use a quick 'Shielding Charm', but I have to look fairly roughed up when I arrive, to be convincing. Perhaps it would be better to have an errant shot hit the window, thus giving the Carrows and myself a way out.   Harry and I have already discussed how badly I should be wounded to be convincing . . . but we'll 'wing it', I believe the phrase is . . . improvise as necessary," concluded Severus.

Glancing down the length of the room, he saw the Carrows starting to walk toward them.

"That's all, you are dismissed!" Severus said, voice slightly raised for the Carrows benefit.  Then he turned and swept from the Hall, the Carrows turning and falling in behind him.

"Right!" Minerva straightened her robes.  "Here we go!"

Professors Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall headed toward their Houses, determined looks on their faces.


"Is everyone here?" asked Professor Flitwick, as the Ravenclaw students settled down in their Common Room. 

"Yes, Professor," Anthony Goldstein replied, after doing a quick headcount.

"Well, I've called you all here to make a rather important announcement: after our morning meal you all should be ready to board the 'Express', straightaway!  Which means your packing must be completed tonight, except what you will be wearing tomorrow.  Only take what you need for the holiday and make your way to the station as quickly as possible."

"I don't understand, Professor," one of the younger students piped up.  "What's the big rush?"

"Perhaps I'd better explain the situation," said Ron Weasley, as he entered the Common  Room, followed by Terry Boot and Luna Lovegood.

The next few minutes were spent in greeting their schoolmates before Ron and Professor Flitwick could continue.

"Ronald, I believe you have some news to share?"  Professor Flitwick said, bowing Ron forward.

"Right.  Well, as you may have heard, Harry, Hermione and I have been seen around the castle, since Christmas holiday.  What wasn't known was that we've been here since last August.  Luna, Terry, Hannah and a few others joined us during the following months as they, and their families, became targets of the Snatchers.  Their families are safe, in hiding, elsewhere, but as members of the D.A., they," Ron indicated the three Ravenclaws standing next to him, "decided to stay here, in case they were needed."

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