Part 2

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The auditions were getting closer and closer and everyone at school knew Harry was going to do audition. It was noon so Harry and i went outside to have lunch. I saw Olivia was sitting alone so i pulled on Harry's arm to get his attention. He looked at me. 'Do you want to sit with Olivia?' 'Who is that?' He asked with a quostion look on his face. 'She is one of my classmates at biologly.' I said, Harry nodded in agreement and we walked towards her. 'Hi! Can we sit with you?' I asked kindly. First she looked a bit schocked but then started to speak. 'Oh yes yes ofcourse' she said nervously while putting down her bag. Finally i get to know this girl better. The tree of us talked the whole time about random things. It was a really nice chat.

'Can i have your number?' I asked. Her eyes widend. 'What? Ow yes!' We gave eachother our 

Phone's and put in our numbers. 'Here you go' i smiled. 'Thanks!' She exclaimed. The bell went of so we had to go back to class. 'My house?' I asked Harry fast. 'Yep see ya babe!' I kissed him one last time before leaving.

'I'm home!' I yelled when i got home. I didn't got a respone what means that i'm home alone. When i walked in the kitchen i saw a small note on the fridge. 'I'm in Paris for the new collection, Dad will be late home. Harry can sleep over or a friend you choose xx Mom' i sighed. I hated that my mom always was busy with her work, but what can i do about it? i opened the fridge, i took an apple like always and a bottle of water.

I was on my way to my room wen i heard the doorbell ring. 'What the..' I said to myself. I looked out the little window next the door. It was Harry. My face quickly turned in a smile. 'Harry!' I yelled and jumped in his arms with my legs around his waiste. 'Hi sweetheart' he said and gaved me a kiss. I loved it when he called me 

Like that. 'Why are you so early?' I asked a little confused while walking with him to the living room.

'Well uhm, i wanted to talk with you about X faxtor' he said nervously. I looked at him asking him to go on. He took my hand and lead me to the sofa. We sat down. 'When i'm trough the auditions and trough bootcamp, we're not going to see eachother so much like now. I'm going to get really busy and i'm far away from here.. I really want this to work for us.. The long distance relationship. ' when he was done he looked to his hands and then back in my eyes.

My eyes were tearing up. I sighed. 'I know Haz.. But we are strong and we're getting trough this, i promise' i forced a smile letting him know i was okay, but i really wasn't my life was going to be a hell without him by my side.

Harry smiled and gaved me a passionate kiss. 'Sooo what are we going to eat' Harry asked with a big grin on his face. Food food food whas the only thing he was thinking about when he is with me. 'Uhm, i'm not going to eat but i think i have some burgers for you' i said while walking too the kitchen. I felt a hand on my wrist,

Turning me around slowly. 'You are going to eat, if you like it or not' Harry said with a bit of anger in his voice. A year ago i had anorexia, it was horrible. Sometimes Harry saw me hang over the toilet, while i was getting my food out of me. A few months after i was back healty again but in the past few weeks i was slowly getting the feeling it was all getting back. 

We looked eachother in the eyes. 'Please' he almost begged. 'But i'm not hungry. You can't force me to eat?' I said while getting out of his grip. 'Yes i can!' His voice was getting louder. I knew this was going to be a fight. Again. 'No Harry i'm not going to eat! I will when i get hungry!' I answerd raising my voice. 'You also said that a year ago! Remember?' He yelled at me. I know Harry just wanted the best for me but i couldn't eat. He is just scared for me to getting back to a rehab. I looked back at him and made my way to my room. I was angry but i understood him. I layed down on my bed sobbing in my pillow. After 15 minutes i decided to put on my pyjamas tough it was only 6PM. 

I layed there crying for about 30 minutes when i heard my door getting open slowly. 'Summer..?' Harry whisperd while comming in. I didn't answer him. He layed down behind me and wraped his arms around my waist. 'I'm sorry love' i could hear there was a crack in his voice. I turned aroud so i was facing him. He had tears in his eyes. 'I'm sorry to..' 

I said back. I gaved him a small kiss. 'I'm really going to miss you when i'm gone' 'who says you are going to be trough?' I said jokely. He laughed. 'No no i was just kidding.. I'm going to miss you to Harry.. Alot.' I said back serious. 'We can do this, i know we can' 'yeaah..' 'I love you summer Milburn Anderson' Harry said and gaved me a passionate kiss

leaving you behind    -Harry Styles fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu