Chapter 3

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Today was the day! Harry's audition. It was 6am, and Harry is just flipping out! 'Love, please eat something' I suggested. 'That's a good idea babe' he replied me. He took a banana and sat down. The bell rings and i made my way to the door. 'Anne!' I yelt and huged her. Gemma and some of Harry's closest friends are there too. 'Are you ready Harry?' Anna asks. You could see the nerves ik his eyes. I laughed a little en wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Everything is going to be amazing! you are fantastic!' I wispered in his ear and he smiled. 'I love you' he gaved me a little kiss and turned around to the rest of the group. 'Ready?go!' Anna smiled.

On our way to the audition me and Harry sang along to all the songs that came on the radio. 'Nothings fine i'm torn!' I sang loudly but it was defently not the right tone.

We finally arrived. I saw in Harry's eyes he was getting really nervous. I took his hand and looked at him. 'It's going to be great Harry, believe me' i said smiling. He gaved me a nervous smile back and kissed my nose.

*3 hours later* 

When we were in they called Harry's number trough the room full of people. His eyes getting bigger. We all stood up and walked backstage. 'Okay babe if you are not trough, don't worry okay you can come back next year. But i'm sure they will find you amazing! You have a great voice Harry and everyone agrees with me, so don't be nervous, everything is gonna be alright.' I smiled at him. 'Thanks honey, i love you' he said. ' i love you too.' I stood on my tip toes en kissed him good luck. 'Boy whats your name?' A man asked harry. 'I'm harry Styles' he said with his husky low voice. 'Okay it's your turn' Harry gaved us just one more look and walked up stage. I was sooo nervous that i was almost crying. I grabed Gemma her hand and squeezed it. 'Aw' she said looking at our hands. 'I'm sorry' i apologized. 'Isn't she lovely..' He finally started singing. I was speechless. It was even better then when i heard him practicing.

Tears were tears forming in my eyes and dropped on the ground. When the audience stood up to give him a loud aplausse his smile couldn't be bigger.

He just wanted to hear from the tree judges a yes. I could tell he was dying from nerves. 'For all the good reason Harry,i'm going to say no.' Paul one of the judges said.

Harry's smile slowly faded away. 'I really like you Harry, i'm going to say yes' Nicole said with a sweet smile. 'I think you will be glad to hear that i'm giving you a yes too' Simon said and Harry smiled brightend. I couldn't hold myself anymore and kicked out my heels and ran up on stage. Harry noticed me and catched me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. 'IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!' I said inbetween kisses. The audience was going like 'aaaaww' my head was turning red. I unwrapped my legs from Harry's waist and together we walked of stage. We gave eachother a big group hug and told Harry how proud we are of him.

Days past and finally bootcamp was there. I was helping Harry pack his stuff. I didn't want him to go, just because i knew i would miss him like hell. 'Babe, are you alright?' Harry asked me.  

I sighed and i let myself fall on the bed facing the ceiling. 'No, i'm just really going to miss you Haz' i sat up again and looked at Harry. Tears were forming in my eyes. 'No love please don't cry!' He sat down next to me and wrapped his big strong arms around me. We sat there for a few minutes until Harry broke the silence. 'We're going to skype everyday, text eachother and you can come watch the show sometimes if i get trough?' I smiled just knowing he would do anything to make me feel 

Better. 'Promise?' I asked looking up at him. 'Promise' he confirmed. He gave me a kiss on my nouse and we finished packing after 30 minutes.

Harry and i fell asleep on our way to bootcamp. His heartbeat was calming me down. 'Love birds, we are here' i heard Harry's stephdad saying. We both woke up and took all the stuff we needed.

*2 hours later* all the boys were standing on a line waiting for there 

Name to call out. I was backstage like all the others. I was texting some 

People to let the time past. I saw in my eye corner that there were people comming trough a big black door. My heart was beating so fast. I finally saw Harry and we all stood up. He looked unhappy. 'No this can't be true. He was so good, omygosh.' I said to myself. He started crying while walking towards us. We all took him in a big hug.

We sat there talking about what happend for a few minutes until they called Harry and another few boys back on stage.

leaving you behind    -Harry Styles fanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu