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I woke up in bed with the sun burning through the window onto my face. I felt a tight hold of an arm around my waist, I followed it with my eyes, turning over to see Ashton asleep right behind me. I sat up, causing him to wake up. "What happened? What are you doing here?" I asked, in a slightly panicked tone. "Sssssh! Calm down!" He said as he sat up next to me. "I think you had had a bit too much to drink last night, you wrote a song which you sung, and you wouldn't let me in at first. But you did eventually, and then you collapsed at the door. I carried you to bed, and I couldn't bring myself to leave you…" A flashback of last night passed my eyes. "Thanks…" I muttered, feeling  my hair which felt like a complete mess. "Don't mention it, you worried me!" He admitted, looking embarrassed for saying it straight away. I glanced down at my wrists, the bandages were still on them. Ashton must have caught me looking, "It must have been some cooking malfunction to cause such burns!" "I was making a cake, and it kind of fell out in the oven…" I said, trying to make it sound realistic, but he fell for it nonetheless. We hadn't seen each other nor spoken since the night he kissed me. A few minutes after that, I knew I had to leave so I did and got a taxi home. "Why had you come round anyway? Is everything ok?" I asked, looking up Ashton who was already staring at me. He looked down at my lips and then back at my eyes, before placing his lips gently against mine. I kissed back this time, no hesitation. I'll admit it, since the last kiss I had been longing to kiss him again. He pulled away. "I wanted to tell you that… I don't like you in that way, but I wouldn't mind the odd kiss or cuddle every now and again!" He said quickly. I smiled at him. "What?" he chuckled. 

"I'm the exact same." "Buddies?" Ashton said, putting his hand out for me to shake. I looked at him again, before falling onto his chest, wrapping my arms around him. "Buddies." 

"So I guess you could say we're friends with benefits?" I said as we were sat in the living room watching tv. Ashton choked on his drink. "Not anything sexual though!" He looked so innocent. "No of course not!" I laughed. I watched Ashton as he went back to getting zoned into the tv. "When am I going to get to hear this amazing band of yours then?" I asked. "You haven't heard us?" Ashton asked, as if he was surprised. I shook my head. "I only know you from Lauren rambling on about you all the time." "I thought you knew who we were too!" Ashton said, putting his drink down. I shook my head with an innocent smile. "Right…" He said, grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. He stood up, lifting me up with him. "What are you doing?" I asked. He shoved his shoes on as I did the same. "I'm showing you my amazing band." He smiled before kissing me on the forehead. I was sat in Ashton's car yet again, and my favourite song came on. "Oooo I love this song!" I said as I turned it up. Ashton braked suddenly at the traffic lights, and stared at me. "What?" I asked. "You like this?" I nodded, dancing along to it in my chair. "Heartbreak guuuuuuuuurrrrrl!" I sung along. "Imogen… Do you know who this is?" "No, I never catch the name…" "This is my band." I burst out laughing, "Yeah right!" He continued to drive as the light turned green. "I'm not kidding this us!" I scowled at Ashton, not quite believing him. "Listen!" He said as the song ended, turning up the volume. "And that was the brilliant new single by 5 Seconds of Summer" the radio presenter announced. I stared at Ashton, who was raising his eyebrows at me. "You guys are incredible!" I said. Ashton laughed. "Don't just say that now because you know it's me!" "No no no! I'm being honest, I'm not obsessed like Lauren, I just love your stuff. This is insane!" Ashton cleared his throat, and put on a deeper voice. "So Imogen, you've  been kissed by the handsome Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer, how do you feel?" He mimed putting a microphone in front of me. "I feel frickin amazing!" I cried before sitting back and laughing. 

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