I woke up the next morning, in an unfamiliar room. I felt like I had been there before, but it was all a bit blurry. I was in a bed, with spongebob duvet covers. I glanced down, following my arm which was hanging off the side of the bed, to find Luke sleeping on the floor, his hand not far from being inline to mine. He was fast asleep with only a blanket covering him. I slowly sat up and looked round the room, this must have been his bedroom. I looked at the bedside table which had a couple of sheets of paper, with 'Two Pieces' written on the top. A piece of me was still missing due to my mother passing away, but I was ok. I was used to suffering. I heard Luke's morning groan as he stretched his arms in the air. "Morning poop!" He said, before I threw a pillow on his face. "It's too early!" He moaned, flattening the pillow to his face. "What time did we get back?" I asked, tying my hair up into a bun. "About 1am I think…" Luke said as he chucked the pillow to the end of the bed. "And why are you on the floor?" "Good manners!" He smiled. I placed my arms out in front of me on my lap when some black mark on my arm caught my eye. "Woah woah woah, what is this?" I said as I examined the side of my hand, which had 'Two Pieces' written starting from the end of my pinky. "Oh, you insisted on getting a tattoo, so i drove you to the parlour and yeah" Luke explained. "What? Why did I get this?" I couldn't stop staring at it. "Because of Ashton…" Luke said. I looked past my hand at him. "Really?" He nodded. I sighed. "The others don't know I'm here then I take it?"
"Nah, they were asleep by the time we got in" Luke said as he sat up on the bed with me. "Ashton was looking for you yesterday, you must have left right before he went to yours." "Why was he looking for me?" Luke was about to speak when his phone started ringing. I laid back in the bed, frustrated with everything. Luke got off the phone, "Guess what?" He asked. "What?" I moaned. "We have the house to ourselves, that was Cal, telling me that the boys are writing with people today and that I was too late to join!" Luke managed to drag me downstairs to the living room. He left me standing in the middle of the room as he went over to the stereo and put Heartbreak Girl on full blast. He took my hands as we stupidly swayed side to side, he was pulling funny faces at the same time to try and improve my mood. Eventually I broke out a smile. "There we go!" He said, as he spun me round under his arm. "I'm right here, when you gonna realise" Luke sung as he jumped up from behind me, with his hands resting on my shoulder. I just looked at him, shaking my head. "You're such a child!" I said over the music. "I know, but I'm having fun! Which is what you need to do more of!" He said as he starting miming the back stroke. I burst out laughing, "If I stick with you, I can having nothing but fun!" Luke started shimming his chest back and forth with a straight face, and I joined him. Suddenly the music turned off. We stopped dancing, and Luke turned round to look at the door. We saw Michael and Calum in the doorway, with Ashton slightly ahead with the stereo remote in his hand. Luke took Ashton through to the kitchen, leaving Calum and Michael in the doorway. "Didn't know you were going to be here!" Cal said. "I popped round to visit, but Luke was the only one in." I said. "Well lets get the party going again!" Michael said, turning the stereo back on. Luke soon joined us again, and I caught a glimpse of Ashton running upstairs. A few minutes later, I saw him run down the stairs again, going out the front door slamming it behind him. The boys stopped and looked at one another. I went out to the hallway, finding two pieces of scrunched up paper. I opened them to discover the song Luke and I had written. "I'm going to find him!" I said as I shoved my shoes and coat on. "Wait you can't go alone!" The boys said as they joined me. We piled into my car and started driving everywhere. We went to the places we thought he would be, the restaurant, pubs, clubs, venues, but he was nowhere. "Check his twitter!" Luke suggested. Michael got his phone and looked. "He just tweeted a couple of minutes ago…" "What does it say?"Back to the street where we began!" "That's just a lyric from Panic! At The Disco" Cal said. It suddenly clicked, I pushed my foot down on the pedal. "Easy girl!" Cal said as he grabbed the side of the door. I pulled up outside the place where it all began a couple of weeks ago. "Stay here!" I said to the others as I shot out of the car. I ran up the steps to find Ashton sat in near the revolving door where we first met. As I walked closer he looked up, his eyes piercing through swollen, red eyelids. "Ashton, what are you playing at? What's up with you?" I said, trying not to sound so angry. "What's wrong with me?" He said standing up. "You must have no idea how painful it is for a guy, to watch his best buddy, waltz around his own house with his best mate, right in front of his eyes. And then, they write a song together about themselves." "Why would you be so angry if we were just friends?" I asked. "I get extremely jealous…" He admitted. "Why though? We're just friends, you said so yourself. And you have a girlfriend!" I reminded him, as it seemed that he had forgotten. "I don't have a girlfriend! Why would you think that?" He laughed. I just looked at him, why was this funny to him? "Oh no wait…" He said. "You thought the girl I was talking about was someone else?" "Of course, who else would it be?" I said. Ashton looked down as he brushed his hair away. "Shit…" I said as I realised. "I had no idea…" I said. "Well it doesn't matter, you like Luke!" Ashton muttered. "No I don't!" "Yes you do, there's no denying it. You even wrote a song together, about your love for each other." I took out the pieces of paper from my pocket. "There's a boy lost his way looking for someone to play, there's a girl in the window, tears rolling down her face. We're only lost children, trying to find a friend. Trying to find our way back home." I sung quietly, my hands started to shake as I held the paper. I thought Ashton would walk away, but he still stood in front of me listening. I glanced back at the car, all three boys were peering out of the windows.
"We'll never fall apart, cause we fit together right, we fit together like two pieces of a broken heart". Once I finished the song, I held the pieces of paper in my shaking hands. "This song was written by Luke and I yes, but it wasn't written about us. It was written about you, I wrote it about you. I even got 'Two Pieces' tattooed for you, so I'd never lose you completely." I shouted, mad at Ashton and myself. He let out a sigh. He walked into me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I moved away slightly, looking up at him before he pulled me in for a passionate kiss, which I think both of us had been waiting a while for.