My Idol Boyfriend

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Chapter 1

*Ding Dong*

“Stand… bows…” the class representative said.

*Everyone stood and bows*

“Hey, I got tickets to see Ryusei Ruka,” Minami said.

“Really, oh I can’t wait,” One of her friends said.

“The best part is that I got the front seats,” Minami said excitedly.

“That is so cool,” Another one of her friends said excitedly.

“I’ll hold the tickets okay?” Minami asked.

“Okay,” Every one of her friends said.

The concert finally came and everyone screamed. He did his cute moves and every fan roared into action, screaming, and even yelling his name.

After the concert is over, he told his boss and manager saying he want to try a life of a regular person.

“Really,” The boss said.

“Yea, I wanted to go to a regular school and do what normal people do,” Ryusei requested.

“We understand and we won’t stop you,” The manager said.

“Boss and manager, thank you very much, I’ll start tomorrow going to this school. If any notice, contact me, again I thank you,” Ryusei said.

School starts again and everyone was talking about a new student in class.

“Minami, did you hear about the new transfer student,” One of her friends said.

“Yes and I’m very excited. I even heard that the transfer student is a male, I wonder if he is cute,” Minami said.

“But not as cute as Ruka right?” One of her friends asked.

“Of course,” Minami said sticking her tongue out.

*Ding Dong*

The teacher went inside, “Okay class settle down, you might have heard that there is a transfer student and if you all think it’s a male, you are correct. But once he comes in, class, please do not scream.”

Everyone was whispering and asking each other why they would scream, till the teacher asked him to come in and everyone grew silent. As the person walked in to introduce himself everyone was shocked instead of screaming wondering why a famous person like him be in an old normal high school like this. They thought he would be in a high class kind of school.

“Now please introduce yourself while I write your name on the board,” The teachere said while she turned to write his name.

“Yes, my name is Ryusei Ruka and most of you might know me from televisions and articles, but I kept a secret from everyone till now that I will be in a regular school, because I want to see how a regular life is like, it’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Ryusei said.

“Okay, thank you and you may sit… let’s see, ah, next to Kei,” The teacher said.

Minami was shocked and was so happy and thought that today was the best day of her life.

“Kei-san, I would like you to show Ruka-kun around the school since he is new, unless you’re busy?” The teacher asked.

“No I’m fine, I would be glad to show him around,” Minami said in a grin and was happier as ever.

During free time, Minami was showing Ryusei around the school and when she covered everything, lunch time started.

“Well if you have any questions, please do ask, see you around,” Minami said waving her hand goodbye and walked to her friends.

“Okay, goodbye,” Ryusei said. 

“Wow how lucky are you, getting picked on to help Ruka around the school,” One of her friends said.

“Yea, I really envy you,” Another one of her friends said.

“Stop you guys, you’re making me feel bad, he is really nice and he even let me call him Ryusei,” Minami said. “Anyway I got to use the restroom, watch my stuff please.”

“Sure thing.”

As Minami was walking back from the bathroom, she heard Ryusei talking on the phone to his manager saying his regular life is going good but in the morning was so weird.

“Yea, no one screamed like I expected, maybe they listen to their teachers, I like it so far,” Ryusei said.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed it, but anyway I’m just going to say that you are going to make a new music video, so get ready for it,” his manager said.

“Yes, thank you for the notice, now I have to get back, I heard they don’t allow cell phones on in the school, I’ll see you tomorrow, bye,” Ryusei said.

As Ryusei hung up, “Anything the matter?”

“Oh, Kei-senpai, no nothing, I was just heading back to the table,” Ryusei said.

“Oh, just call me Minami. You feel lonely sitting by yourself, why don’t you come over and eat at my table?”

“Eh, that’s too bothersome, and there are too much girls, I feel strange.”

“Oh, well then I could sit with you if you don’t mind. ‘Make people happy’ that’s my motto.”

Ryusei laughed, “That’s sweet, but sure, if you want to make me happy.”

“No problem, besides I got something to ask you anyway. I’ll be back!” Minami then just went back to the lunch table to her friends that she is going to sit with Ryusei, because he seems lonely eating by himself.

“Okay, I’m here.”

“I know and what were you trying to tell me?”

“Huh, oh yea that’s right,” Minami said chewing her lunch.

Ryusei looked a little disgusted.

“I’m so sorry about that. Now what I wanted to say is that I want you to meet me at the school entrance when school is over.”

“Um, okay, I guess,”

“Okay, see you there.”

Ryusei went to the front entrance as promised, but in ten minutes, he didn't see her and was about to go, although she came out of nowhere and scared him.

“Oh, you scared me; I thought you would never come.”

“Are you kidding? I was the one to ask you to meet me here anyway, how can I forget?”

“Sorry, I didn’t know. So what did you want to tell me?”

Minami’s face got serious, “I’ll help you become more of a regular person and in exchange; be my boyfriend till graduation. You want to know how it feels like to be a normal person right, well I’ll fulfill that wish for you in an exchange for that.”

“What?” Ryusei’s face got shocked.

Hello and welcome to my first story! Is it interesting so far? ^^ Hope you enjoy the rest of the story and don't forget to Comment and Vote!

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