Part IV: Cursed By The Moon

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"...when the wolf bane blooms..."

Reader's POV

As you walked closer and closer to Kanda's room, you noticed the state of the walls. There was blood smeared towards Kanda's door. You finally stood in front of the forbidden door and knocked. "Kanda?" You paused for an answer but there wasn't any. You knocked again and still no response. You put your hand on the door handle and pushed the door open slightly. "Kanda? Are you in here?" You opened the door to a moonlit room, for the window at the back of the room was shattered. Claw marks adorned the floors and the walls. And Kanda was no where to be found. 'Where is he?' You thought to yourself. You turned to leave and that was when you heard a howl echo from down the cliff, near the forest. 'Don't tell me...'

Kanda's POV

I was screaming for control of this new form. I had hurt Moyashi, Baka Usagi,... and almost (Y/n). And worse, (Y/n) had recognized me. Because of my eyes. I was hiding now in the forest near the town I had unwillingly attacked. I had fought for control when the consciousness of the wolf had wanted to attack (Y/n). I had noticed then that my will power was stronger when she was put into danger. Why was that? Before I could think any more on why I had fought it, I heard someone call my name. It was a familiar, comforting and yet worried voice. And it belonged to the one person that I had almost attacked. (Y/n).

Reader's POV

You had left the Order, unseen, and went into the forest to look for Kanda. You knew that he needed help, even if the stubborn samurai didn't want it. "Kanda!" You called out. You trekked even further into forest, still calling out for Kanda. 'I have to find him. I have to know if he's alright.' You thought that it was a funny feeling to have about the stubborn samurai. 'But what other reason could I have for wanting to find him?' You wondered. 'Sure, I like him, but... it can't be love, can it? And even if it was, I don't think that Kanda would return my feelings.'

After what felt like an hour of searching, you decided to take a rest by sitting on a large tree root. But your mind wouldn't let you rest, not as long as Kanda was out there. 'Kanda... I haven't found him yet... where could he--?' Your thoughts were interrupted by the shuffling of brush a few feet to your right. You turn your head to see the source of the sound. In shadows of the night-covered forest, you saw a pair of stormy grey eyes. "Kanda...?" You asked, hopefully. The pair of eyes came closer, revealing the form of a massive black wolf, as if to say "it's me." You looked at him and stood up. You took a few steps toward him. Wolf Kanda stood still like a statue. When you stood in front of him, you noticed that the top of his head came to your shoulder. His eyes turned to your arm where he had scratched you when Lenalee attacked him with the Dark Boots. In a sympathetic way, his ears flattened and he nudged the bandage on your arm with his nose. You blushed a little and gently put a hand on his furry head. "I'm fine, Kanda. But right now, I'm more worried about you. There has to be a way to reverse this."His stormy grey eyes stared into yours again, as if asking "how?"

You then remembered the old woman's charm. 'Maybe it could temporarily reverse the change.' You took the charm out of your pocket. You still had it with you even after a week; your mind wouldn't let you part with it. You looked at the leather strap that was tied to the charm of flowers and stalks. The strap looked like was long enough that it could fit around Wolf Kanda's neck. You searched for a knot in the strap and soon you found it. You untied it and put it around his neck. Then, you retied the knot. Wolf Kanda grunted and then limped into the shadows. He was changing back. You could see his silhouette transform for that of a bear-sized wolf to his human form. "(Y-Y/n), can I borrow your jacket?" You heard him ask in a low whisper. You took off your jacket and walked to the edge of the shadows. You held your jacket out to the shadows, but before you could say anything, he snatched it and wrapped it around him. He walked out of the shadows and you saw him. Somehow, he still had his pants (thank goodness), and he had the jacket on. It looked a little too small. But that wasn't what you noticed the most. Kanda's face and torso were covered in cuts and bruises. "Kanda, you're hurt." The samurai exorcist hung his head slightly and then put his hand on the charm. "You shouldn't have come to look for me, (Y/n)." He muttered. "This curse... I've already scratched... I don't want to rake anymore risks." Your cheeks burned with a light blush.

"K-Kanda? What do you--?" You stuttered.

"I mean... that I... I..." He seemed to struggle with the words. You were waiting in anticipation, curious about what he meant to say.
But Kanda, being the stubborn samurai he was, simply sighed. "Never mind."
Your heart sank with his answer and then sighed. "Let's go back to the Order. You need new clothes." You and he walked side by side, and in complete silence.

Kanda's POV

I guess it didn't help my situation that I had almost told (Y/n) how I truly felt about her. And the silence wasn't helping much either. I had excepted her to try and start a conversation, having been paired with her on many missions prior, but seeing the usually high-spirited (Y/n) silent made me more on edge. 'Is she afraid of me?' As my mind circled around the thought, she finally spoke. "I'm sorry." I stopped and looked at her. "I'm sorry that you had to save me in Romania. If I had taken the shot like I was supposed to, you wouldn't have been bitten and you wouldn't be suffering right now." She was apologizing? I shook my head and gently touched her hand, which was a bit of a bold move for me. She looked at me with wide (e/c) eyes. I wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that I had saved her from the wolf in Romania because I cared for her. But a single thought made the words catch in my throat. 'She won't love you back.' A voice in my heart told me. I shook my head slightly. Seeing my frustration, I heard a laugh and then someone squeeze my hand. I looked at (Y/n) as she let go of my hand. "Come on. Let's get back to the Order before we're both missed." She started walking again, but I stood frozen in place. 'What if the charm doesn't last long? What if I hurt (Y/n)? It was just a scratch today, but what if I--?'

"Hey, Kanda!" (Y/n) called out to me. I looked at her to see her smiling. "Are you coming or what, wolf boy?" She seemed back to her cheery self now. As if on their own accord, my legs moved to walk with her again. She looked back at me. "I'll help you in whatever way I can help you. There had to be a way to reverse this." She gave me a smile and kept walking. "You just need to have faith. Okay?" I looked at her. Her spirit was strong; I had known this ever since we had first met. 'I will always have faith... I will have faith in you... (Y/n)...'

Curse of the Samurai  (Werewolf!Kanda x Reader)(DGM Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now