Part VII: This Changes Things

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~"...hope can be found for the soul of a werewolf..."~

(3rd Person POV)

(Y/n) and Kanda were sitting across from each other in the dining hall, well away from Allen and the others. They had noticed that the two of you had been keeping your distance; of course, Allen and Lavi just assumed that the two of you were dating. In fact, that rumor had pretty much spread around to the whole Order.




"You two want a vacation?" The chief of the science division looked at the two exorcists in front of him.

"Well, yeah." (Y/n) scratched the back of her head shyly. "With what we've been through, we can't really concentrate..."

Komui fixed his glasses and looked at them. He was silent for a few moments.

"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU TWO DATING?!" Komui's scream of excitement could pretty much be heard in Japan had he been loud enough. God knows that the entire headquarters had heard it.

(Y/n) blushed. "N-No! Komui, what the hell?! What gave you that idea?!"

Her question went ignored as Komui stood up and started prancing around his messy office. "Oh! How delightful! My dear (Y/n) bravely loving Kanda like this and going on a romantic getaway together!!! Oh, how adorable!!"

~End of Flashback~

The (h/c) girl sighed a little and rubbed her forehead. She was desperately trying not to think about it as a light blush danced across her cheeks.

"Stop blushing like that. You'll just confirm their beliefs." Kanda's voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she looked at him. The said exorcist was calmly eating away at his soba.

She sweatdropped. "How are even still eating that with all that you've been through? And how in God's name are you still so calm?! Normally you go on a ferocious rampage after anyone who thought we were dating!"

"Because the last thing I want is to turn into a wolf again." Kanda whispered.

In all honesty, it was a likely reason, but Kanda's odd behavior of late had really called the validity of his statement into question. You see, as Kanda's senses were amplified as a werewolf, he had started to feel slightly more protective of (Y/n). The reason for this protectiveness? Because Kanda loved her; though he had usually been so cold around everyone and even more so around (Y/n), he had only done so because he was afraid that she didn't feel the same for him.

Unfortunately for Kanda, (Y/n) was quite perceptive, and she could tell that the exorcist was hiding something from her.

"That's not all. You have a other reason for acting like this." She said.

"I don't know know what you're talking about." Kanda said calmly, though avoiding eye contact with her.

"Bullshit." (Y/n) said, pushing her tray of food to the side. "What is going on with you? You've been following me around like some kind of overprotective stalker ever since we told Komui that we wanted a vacation. So just tell me what the hell your deal is!"

Suddenly, Kanda stood up abruptly and left. Almost immediately, (Y/n) got up and went after him; his departure was nothing short of shocking considering he didn't snap at her.

(Y/n) followed Kanda down the hallway. "Kanda! Don't walk away  from me! Don't you dare shut me out like you do everyone else!" She shouted. When they rounded the corner to go to the dorms, (Y/n) reached out for his shoulder. "Kanda, will you just tell me what is going on with you?!"

Without warning, (Y/n) suddenly found herself pushed up against the wall and face to face with Kanda, his eyes wolf-like again. "Shut up."


"I said shut up." Kanda said, his voice deep as a growl tore from his throat.

Before she could say anything else or even before she realized what was happening, she felt something firm press against her lips. The realization hit her like a train.

Kanda was kissing her.

She was in shock, and when he pulled away, (Y/n) was in shock. Kanda looked at her. "You shouldn't be so close to me. With the way things are now, you'll only get hurt." He said is a voice as low as a whisper. He then placed his head to the side of hers, his lips close to her ear. "If you got hurt because of me... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself..." He whispered, and his voice cracked.

(Y/n)'s widened a little and she looked at him. He just stood there, as if he was savoring how close they were like he was about to go off on his own. The girl's arms wrapped around him, and she could feel Kanda tense up.

"You're an idiot." (Y/n) whispered. "I promised that I would help you break this curse... that I would stay by your side." She closed her eyes as tears started to burn in them. "I'm not going to let you go off and be alone again... I love you, don't you realize that already?"

Kanda's eyes widened at her words. "(Y/n)..." he relaxed a little and then wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're an idiot, too, for putting yourself in danger because of some silly promise."

"I'm not one to break promises." She whispered.

Kanda looked at her and then put his hand on her cheek. He leaned in slowly and placed an uncharacteristically gentle kiss on her lips, which (Y/n) gently returned back.

When they pulled away, the (h/c) colored girl looked at the Japanese exorcist with a soft smile. "Here's another promise. Even after all this, if you'll let me, I'll still be by your side."
To this, Kanda chuckled and then stroked her cheek. "Always making such silly promises."

"Well, like I said, I don't intend to make promises I can't keep." (Y/n) said with smile full of newfound confidence.

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