Part VI: Never Stop Looking

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"...but when a pure soul loves a moonlight beast..."

~Reader's POV~

     You and Kanda had been looking through book upon book of werewolf folklore from Romania, and a few common cures started to emerge... as well as killing techinques. Some legends said that a werewolf would turn back to its human form if the werewolf who bit him was killed. You did realize that this was probably incorrect due to the fact that Kanda had killed it protecting you, but then you found another legend. Werewolves could only be killed by silver to the heart. Considering that Mugen wasn't made of silver, it more than likely didn't kill the thing. Of course, when you showed this to Kanda, he wasn't at all happy.

"What do you mean, 'that thing could still be alive?!' I sliced that thing through and through with Mugen. No creature could survive that!" The one downside to Kanda being a werewolf was that his usual temper was now amped up on steroids. You sighed, trying to deal with his anger. "Kanda, werewolves can only be killed by silver. Mugen isn't made of silver, so it couldn't have killed it." He growled slightly, but he knew that you were right. He crossed his arms, pouting like a child, before he eventually started talking again. "Okay. So what do we do? If that werewolf is still alive, it would have started killing again after a rest period." Kanda did have a point. You nodded and sighed. "True. And we would have heard something by now." There was a silence afterwards. She then remembered something. "There was a woman. The one who we gave me that charm." Kanda raised an eyebrow at you. "Okay... meaning what exactly?"

"Meaning that that woman could have the answer we've been looking for!" You said with a slight smile. "We have to go back."

"Wait," Kanda said, holding up his hand, "you mean go back to Romania? We can't go back without orders from Komui, and you know it."

"Not true. There is something we can do in which we can go to Romania." You smiled slyly.

Kanda raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "And that would be... what, exactly, (Y/n)?"

You smiled and then poked his forehead. "We ask for a vacation, silly."

Curse of the Samurai  (Werewolf!Kanda x Reader)(DGM Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now