36: Approaching

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 I was biting the insides of my cheeks as we walked up to the door of the Purgatory café. It was a habit I was still trying out, and indeed seemed to be one fraught with the constant risk of pain- much like my current situation.

Truthfully, I had no reason to cross the threshold and actually enter. I could leave Dohn here happily, content that there was no way he could have died on the five foot journey.

But I'm a sucker for bad choices with the potential to turn out okay. I didn't just walk in with him, I led him- holding his wrist, yes, but walking ahead and gesturing about like my previous two visits hadn't resulted in grievous injury.

I was stopped fairly quickly. Luxury, it seemed, had his duty in guarding the door. You'd think he'd have something fancier as the husband of the owner.

"No." He said, raising a single finger and walking slowly towards me. I think he was expecting me to back off.

"I'm just leaving Dohniel here. Heaven's no longer safe. He just needs to rest for a few days."

"Then where will I head?" Dohn asked behind me.

"You know what I have requested of you." I whispered, turning briefly to face him. "You will succeed, I am sure, at it."

"You've been banned. Obviously, I should hope." Luxury said.

"Did Lucky order that?"


"Look, I didn't mean to bring Michael here. He just sort of followed me. And besides, I have no problem leaving right now. I just need assurance of Dohn's safety."

"Michael did what?" Dohn asked like it was one word, looking to me for answers. I was forced to ignore him.

"We can't trust any of your associates. If Heaven is posing any risk to him, he surely can find plenty of safety on this Earth. But not in this building."

"It will be short. And it will be good for him to be around other angels."

"I feel like some sort of herd animal in this conversation. Will I die of loneliness if I don't associate with my own kind for a day?" Dohn was mocking me, resentful of the place since he had recognized it to be a fallen gathering place. "They're not even real angels anyways."

"They're realer than I am." I corrected before Luxury could grow mad. "They still have wings. Still have some of Michael's esteem. And reconnecting with old friends will do good for your heart."

"Yes, like the boon you've become to me." He rolled his eyes. "Old friends break your heart, not make it."

"Don't make words rhyme." I scolded. Then I turned back to Luxury. "Let him stay. I'm this close to begging."

A sort of localized quiet came over the entrance corner. Then I realized the silence had walked over- Lucky had appeared from beyond one of the pale wood doors of the café. It was a bit surprising to see her alive, but only in that the sight of her dead body was brought back to my mind. Logically, it made sense that if her brothers could revive, she could too.

"Mik trying to return to us again?" She said, sounding like she was asking a question, but it was understood as an observation. She looked different, actually, unlike Michael who had been identical after death. Her face seemed gaunt and stiff, and I realized she was both exhausted and angry.

But still, quiet.

"I need my friend to stay safe. Dohniel." I gestured towards him, and he was too distracted by Lucky to make any sign of acknowledgement.

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