The green specks of lust in the dark grey eyes

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~Chapter 05~

*Tom's P.O.V

Our thighs touch & my body shudders with pleasure. I look up from the huge red stain to be met with green specked grey eyes. In his eyes I see the same longing & pleasure I feel. I let out a bleat of laughter. Max parts his beautiful lips & I feel my eyes close as I lean in. I smell the beer in his breath as he leans in as well connecting our bodies. "Daaavid?!" yells a girl out side the bathroom door I jump away from Max & he jerks his head towards the door. "Yoohoo!" says the girl peeping in. "There you are!" she says looking at Max & stumbling in. David? Wha? I look at Max for an explanation. He shrugs with a -What? I dont want her to kno my name- look. I look at her not knowing whether to hate her for what she had done by inturrupting us. Then I look at Max. "Pffft. Ahahaaahaaa" I burst out laughing sliding on to the floor. Tears ran down my face its not even that funny but Max starts laughing too. She stares at us for a while & leaves. We laugh harder. After calling Jay, Max helps me stand I put my hand on his well built shoulder. We're the same height so my face rests on this shoulder as we crawl out the bathroom with our arms around each other. Jay, Max & I laugh as we support each other while trying to get in to our own rooms without falling. Jay falls on his bed falling asleep in seconds. I strip down to my boxers & jump into mine. I think about the grey eyes with green specks filled with lust. I moan loudly. Oh god Max!

~Tomax~ The begining of it all~Where stories live. Discover now