The sickening aftertaste of reality...

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~Chapter 23~

*Max's P.O.V*

I press the down button for the elevator as Tom tickles me. "Fuuuuuuck!" I say squirming under his touch. "Hahaaa. Innit wha we just did? Hmm?" he whispered in my ear. I giggle like a school girl adjusting my glasses.


the elevator chimes as it opens. Tom pushes me in holding on to my hips tightly. I press the button for the 2nd floor as Tom leans back against the cool metal wall.


the doors close. I lean in to him.


floor no.5 he kisses my ear grabbing my ass with his right hand & face with the other.


floor no.4,I knot my hand in his hair & grab his crotch with the other kissing him passionately his tounge jammed down my throat.

<Ding >

floor no.3. He kisses my cheek & lips one last time softly & sweetly.

<Ding> floor no.2,we embrace one last time when the elevators doors open to the 2nd floor & to reality. We find an old lady staring at us with her mouth wide open. We look at each other then burst out laughing. We make our way out of the elevator & towards the breakfast buffet with our arms around each others shoulders. We spot Jay as he carries a stack of pancakes to the table. Seev, Nareesha, Nate & Jay's girl friend Wolf are at the table. A blond with her back to us sits next to Nathan. Huh? I didn't see him picking up a girl last night?! Good for him. The blond turns. It's Kelsey. She smiles & waves at us. I grin waving back. It took exactly two steps for our arms to slide off each other & for me to realize that Tom had stopped cold in his tracks.

*Jay's P.O.V*

I lick my lips as I pile on pancakes on to my plate. "Holy shit. This maple syrup is wicked!" Wolf says as she sucks her finger. My mouth waters & its not cause of the syrup. She doesn't mean it but everything she does just drives me crazy. I lean in & kiss her, tasting the syrup on her lips. "Yep its awesome." I declare. "Hahaa. Yep. Told ya." she laughs nudging me towards the sticky bowl. I make my way back to the table. Kelsey waves at someone. I look up in time see Tom & Max walk in with arms around eachother. Max waves back at Kelsey. Tom follows Max's gaze ending on Kelsey. He freezes. Right there in the middle of the room. Three tables over ours. He freezes. Max who had come forward a step or so than him stops turning to see what's wrong. Tom goes pale. I've never seen anyone that pale. Even I would look flushed next to him. Wolf stands up making her way to him calling out, her voice laced with concern. I stare helplessly. Max grips Tom's shoulder. Tom with a swift turn bolts out. Before I can register what was happening I was running behind him.

*Tom's P.O.V*

I push open the door of the men'a room. The smell of potporri hits my face twisting my stomach even more. My knees buckle hitting the floor as I heave almost missing the toilet. I vomit violently into the toliet the acidic taste burning my throat. Max bursts in immidiately kneeling besides me supporting my forehead as I heave again.

*Max's P.O.V*

As I rub his shoulders Jay, Wolf & Kelsey come in. Wolf lets out a sigh of relief. "God Thomas! You gave me a fright you know! I thought...well... I didn't know what to think." she says running her hand through her sun kissed brown hair which is an improvement from her former blue dip dyed black hair. A guy comes in does a double take at Kelsey & Wolf & then stares at the "Men's" sign on the door. Wolf lets out a cry realizing it's the Men's bathroom looks at me. I nod at her letting her know that I can handle Tom's puking. She runs out apologizing to the guy. Kelsey makes no effort to leave & doesn't even aknowledge him. "Tommy! You know what drinking does to you!" she whines. Jay unravels the toilet paper runs it under the tap & hands it to me. I wipe Tom's face trying to look into his eyes but he keeps then shut. He rinses his mouth spitting the water into the toilet. He looks up. Meeting my gaze. As soon as our eyes meet I know it wasn't drinking that caused this. That made him physically sick. It was guilt & regret. My eyes fill with tears. No please. Not again. I close my eyes leaning my head against the stall wall. I realize that the joke is on me. He did it again. He yanked my heart out leaving me on the cold hard ground to bleed, suffer & to sew myself back together. Son of a bitch.

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