Chapter 24

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"So what he's only like an hour and a half late." I say to myself as I decide to just hang out on the couch for a little.

2 hours pass by and still no sign of Harry. I decide to text him but realize that I never asked for his number the night he came to my house. I decide to go and check my room thinking that I might have saved his number some where other than my phone.

"OH GOSH!" I gasp when I see Harry come in through my window.

"There something wrong with the front door?" I ask sarcastically trying to catch my breathe.

"Sorry, habit." he answers chuckling.

"What do you mean, habit?" I ask quizzically

"Oh uhh, I used to sneak in your room sometimes." he says smirking

"So why did you break the lock? why didn't you just wait for me to let you in?" I ask confused

"Well sometimes you, you wouldn't really want to talk to me and you'd lock me out. It doesn't even really matter." he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"well alright then." I say deciding to let it go.

"Oh by the way what is your number?" I ask looking down at my phone.

"What?" he says sounding hurt.

I look up to see that his voice matches his features and I instantly feel bad.

"This is a new phone, I don't have any numbers." I say awkwardly, thinking why this is such a huge deal.

"Right sorry, Im just used to you knowing my number by heart I guess." he says, grabbing my phone and putting his number in.

When he gives me back the phone I look at the number and realize how familiar it is.

"Wow." I say rolling my eyes at myself.


"Its just weird because I know this number now that I see it." I say laughing a little.

"Really?" His eyes light up and I can't help but laugh at how adorable he looks.

Its funny how something so little can give so much hope.



OKAY!! hello guys Im back! so I've obviously been gone for awhile because of high school and testing I just had no time to do all this and think of new ideas. But now that I'm out of school and have not started college yet Ive decided to give this a try!

So I know this is a short and kind of meaning less chapter but like I said its hard to come up with all the little details that lead up to the big stuff but I promise Ill try to update at least a few times a week :)

Thank you so much for reading and please don't forget to Vote and comment !!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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