Chapter 5

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The car ride is silent on the way to my house. I turn facing the back window and see Dylan following behind in his light blue jeep.A small smile spreading on my face, I love that jeep.

After what seems like hours, we finally arrive. My father helps me out of the car and I use him to catch my balance before steadying myself up,my head beginning to throb slightly. I look back at Dylan who is already by my front door, my bags in his hands.I'm relieved as I walk in and find that nothing has changed beside a few new family photos here and there. I sit on the coach I've sat In a million times before, a look around taking in the familiar sight. This is my home.

I sit on the couch for a good 5 minutes before standing up again and making my way upstairs to my bedroom, Dylan following close behind.

Before I enter my bedroom I look back at Dylan who is eyeing me with a nervous smile. I grab the handle and turn it nervously, closing my eyes before I can take in this horrendous sight in front of me. What the hell happened to my room?!

Purple paint covered my walls with black,and white paint splatters up and down all four walls except the one wall that showed words written in cursive with a white painted frame surrounding it. A quote?

I move closer to read the messy words.

"When traveling the path of life, and finding love along the way, Everything looks new and different. Little do you know it is the same old landscape you used to see all of the time; love has just given you new eyes."

Wtf does that mean?


My eyes focused on her as she neared the wall with the quote she had specifically painted for him.

"Do you remember when we painted this together." I ask cutting of any thoughts she's having to try and jog her memory.

"I'm sorry Dylan... I don't" she says. I sigh In relief

"It's okay Jade", I say walking towards her, taking her hands in mine.

"We painted this about 9 months ago, you said something about needing a change, so we bought all the paint and supplies. We had just finished putting on the second coat of purple paint, and as I started opening the white paint the lid shot off and white paint went everywhere. I remember I felt so bad and was so worried that you would be upset, but when you saw it you just smiled and grabbed a paint brush dabbing it in the paint and splattering the walls. You ended up really liking it." I say, impressed with my made up story. I smile at the make believe memory that I wish so badly was real.

"What does that quote mean?" She asks.

 "I mean why that quote?" She says more specific.


"Uh..." . I paused thinking ."After being best friends for so long, you realized the love I had for you was the same as yours for me." I said more of a question than an answer. Did I just really fucking say that? Idiot.

"Oh.. Okay..." She said agreeing even though I know she thought it made no sense it all. Way to go genius my conscious adds.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, she notices a piece of black fabric lying in her bed next to her pillow. She picks it up and holds it In front of her. It's a plain black v-neck. His v-neck.

"Oh sorry I must've left that here." I said grabbing it from her hands.

"Since when do you wear v-necks?" She says a smile playing on her lips.

"I umm.. I just wear them when it's hot." I answer fidgeting with the shirt. I really don't like v-necks.

"Don't you think it's kind of small for you Dylan?"

"That was before I started working out." I say flexing my muscles. She laughs and I began telling her about how high school changed her style as she unpacks her bag and notices the unfamiliar clothing.

"So is this what everyone wears then." She says lifting up a Camo crop top.

"Not really, but your not like everyone else." She smiles at my words and I help her put the rest of her stuff away, laughing when she opens her underwear drawer to find It filled with much more Lacey and provocative clothing, quickly slamming it shut before I can get a chance to see.

It's about 6 p.m when we are finished unpacking and straightening up her room. She walks around like a stranger in her own room, not knowing or having the slightest clue of where her old stuff may be. I can tell shes given up when when she plops down next to me sighing out loud, stretching back to lay down. I slowly lean down to lay next to her and she stares at the ceiling.

"I should go" I say looking over to her, when she lets out a yawn.

"You don't have to, but I am kind of tired." she says honestly, not trying to be rude.

"Its alright I need to do some work on the jeep." she smiles at me and nods.

I get up from her bed and she follows me downstairs. I say goodbye to her parents who are in the kitchen, and she walks me outside to my car.

"I guess I'll see you later." She says

"Yeah, I'll text you okay?" I say back giving her a tight hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight Jade" I say with a small smile.


AN: This chapter is kind of boring, but I promise this is just the beginning!


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