Chapter 15

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Jades POV

It's silent as we drive to, where ever Dylan is taking us. The radio playing so quietly I can barely hear the song that comes through the beat up speakers in Dylan's car. Not that Ive been really paying attention to it, with Dylan and the curly haired boy having no escape from my mind.

We've been driving for about 15 minutes now and with each minute that passes I sit and contemplate my thoughts and questions that have still gone unanswered from the time Dylan told me about the kid with the Green eyes I still do not know the name of, till now.He still hasn't said a word since we left, and I'm not sure if I should say anything. To be honest I'm beyond pissed at him. The more I think about it, I realize how stupid it is for me to leave it alone. Its not my fault if I don't remember  whats been going on and on top of that Dylan didn't even bother to take my food to go.

You don't just take a girl out to her favorite place, buy her food, demand that she leaves with you and not even bother to take her food with her. Fuck.

I haven't gotten the chance to eat a real meal, and I'm starting to get really hungry.

"Dylan." I say sternly. when I notice his body jerk at the sound of my voice, I know I've startled him out of his own thoughts and I can't help but crack a smile.

"Sorry." I say trying to hid my smirk before continuing.

 "Since you practically dragged me out of there where do you plan on taking us to eat now?" I ask my voice laced with annoyance. The minute I ask, I instantly feel myself getting annoyed and impatient. Before he can open his mouth to speak I cut him off.

"You know what Dylan, I know that you had some kind of past with that kid back there that's supposedly so dangerous," I say rolling my eyes. 

"But that, in no way makes it okay for you to do what you did. You practically dragged me out of there and I barely touched my food."

He tries to speak up again, but I cut him off.

"No." I say signaling him to let me finish. "You know how I get when I'm hungry, so you pretty much brought this on yourself. You had no right to do that I don't care who your running from or who you saw, you either let me finish my damn food first or you can leave yourself." I conclude.

I know I sound ridiculous and probably unreasonably but I could give a shit less at this moment. I'm sick of the short explanations and letting him off easy. 

When I finish I sink back in the seat and cross my arms. Dylan stays silent and I start to get even more pissed off. I'm about to open my mouth again when I feel his hand rest on my thigh.

"I'm sorry Jade." He says, his voice is vulnerable almost as if he's begging me to forgive him and my body relaxes as I release the breathe I was surprised to have been holding.

He looks at me but looks away quickly when he notices my eyes widen at the sight of his glossy ones.

"Dylan?" I say, concerned.

"You're right Jade." He says removing his hand from my mind to pull over.

When we stop he turns to face me, and I can't help but get the feeling of déjàvu from when he had once stopped for me after my nightmare. That time not seeming to matter as we deal with the new issue.

"Look Jade, there's just so much that you don't understand and I only wish I could explain everything. That guy, his name is ..." He pauses then looks away.

"His name is Harry Styles."


Authors Note:

Llaaattttteeeeeeee ass update aha. I'm so sorry I havn't updated, I have so many plans as to how I want this story to go to keep you guys interested but it takes so much to get to those parts before it even gets more dramatic. So sorry for this sucky short chapter. I'll try to update more often so we can move things along LOL.

How do you guys like it so far? <3

-Flinn 💕

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