Chapter 12

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I was mad, beyond mad. Never in my life had Dylan yelled at me, or even risen his voice for that matter. I was just as confused and mad as the guy with the green eyes.

Damn his eyes were so beautiful... And his face ... Jesus. No stop Jade, you don't even know him. You're supposed to be with Dylan remember?

I'm so mad I could break up with that boy, I said to myself rolling my eyes.

"But damn who was that kid?" I said aloud trying to think.

He knew me, or at least he looked like he knew me. Of course he knew me he said my fucking name.

Uhh, the way he said my name.

Damn it Jade stop that!

I put my head back closing my eyes thinking back to what just happend. That kid obviously did something to Dylan for him to get mad at me, of all people. Dylan's not one to take his anger out on other people. I wonder if they're talking right now.

I should go in there, and demand to know what's going on. Yeah Dylan would be mad but I could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed and the way he didn't even look to see if I was leaving, he wasn't going to bring it up again.

Before I could get my seatbelt off, I hear the trunk open and I immediately know it's Dylan. He takes awhile to get inside, and when he does I stay quiet. I'm still mad, not only because he yelled at me, but because I knew I was going to have to try harder for him to tell me what was going on.

The ride was silent until he turned the radio on. I realize that I'm singing when I feel Dylan's eyes on me.

"Pay attention to the road Dylan." I say harshly, trying to stay mad at him.

"Sorry." He mumbles before fixing his eyes back on the road.

A few minutes pass before he speaks again.

"Look Jade I'm sorr-"

"Who was that guy Dylan?" I say not caring that I interrupted him. He's not getting off that easy.

He pause for a second, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

For a second I see worry on his face when he looks at me but immediately turns his face back to the road.

"His name is Harry." He answered. Just his name caused a strange feeling inside me.


"His name is Harry." I admitted, she looked away confused but then back at me and nodded.

"And?" She asked.

She clearly wasn't going to let this go, Harry had seemed hurt by what I said and I could tell something clicked when he stormed out of the store. Maybe he believed me, I couldn't let Jade go back to him. I wouldn't.

"He's no one, just someone I met he's bad news Jade I want you to stay away from him." I half lied. He is bad news ... For me.

"What do you mean he's bad news Dylan?" She said softly,her harsh tone disappearing.

"He- he knew my name." She continued before I could let out another word.

"He's just a bad guy, I got involved with awhile ago. It's-its his job to know all about his customers and you being my girlfriend ... He suppose to know your name." I said, not really knowing where I was going with it. I needed to make sure she stayed away from him, even when I'm not there.

"I don't get it Dylan, what were you involved with?" She said her voice filled with concern.

"It's nothing you need to worry about Jade, it over and we both need to agree to forget about it."


"Jade you don't have a choice but to forget, please don't make me remember." I interrupted, knowing this would make her feel bad and she would stop continuing with this.

I really had nothing to back myself up, and she knew if I didn't want to discuss something it was probably better that she not hear it. Jade has always been afraid of the least this Jade is.

This Jade, the one that stays at home every weekend just to watch spongebob reruns. The one that would always call me over to hang out everyday. The one that never got in trouble, always did her homework. The one that wasn't absolutely boring, but was nothing like the usual partying sluts you see around now. The Jade that hadn't been effected by a year of Harry.

My Jade.

"Dylan!" She yelled, interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said do you still want to get ice cream?" She said harshly.

I laughed running my hands over my head to my face. "Yeah." I said shaking my head still smiling, making her smile a little bit.

"Actually, we always get ice cream. How about some thing new?" I asked as I pulled away from the parking lot.

"um sure." She answered.


I AM SOOOOO SORRRYY this update is shitty ahaha I just hadn't updated in awhile and felt like I should.

Thank you so much for 90 reads! It's not many but Im still so happy we got some, if any. :)

So thank you and again sorry for the worst chapter ever ahah I'll make sure to update soon with hopefully a better chapter.



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