Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Sky’s POV

“Yea! Woohoo!!! School is out! Senior year here I come!” I was the first to stand up and the first that shouted it out. To be truthful, I never unpacked my bag in anticipation of this moment. I hated this US History class. It is the only class that Ri wasn’t in and so I really had no one to talk to. Like really talk to.

I know that I am popular but come on no one knows me like Ri. Only a few people know my secret and I want to keep it that way. Not many people approve of the star running back being gay. Only my boyfriend Ethan, Ri , and some of the guys know about me. 

I was too busy running to find Ri to notice any of the guys come up and ask my plans for summer. I even buzzed off Ethan to see her.

I mean we have been friends for almost seven years no one would come between us and I really didn’t care about anyone else’s plans because I knew that I would be with Ri almost every day. Who wouldn’t want to stay in her freaking mansion?

As I see her and her cute little converse that she was known for and remembered the first day I met her. The first day that I met Ri was magical and I have no idea why we became so close of friends.


“Holy cow, look at that ugly girl over there in those stupid shoes” Ashley scowled over the lunch table.

“Shh! She is going to hear you” I put my finger to her lips. I never did like Ashley she was always into herself. I mean we are in 5th grade and she thinks she is a queen bee. I think she is a meany!. *sticks tongue out mentally*

The girl she is talking about looked over and her cheeks blushed. Poor girl, she must be thinking that we are staring at her because she has something wrong with her.

She trips over her very cool looking Chuck Taylors and looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I ignored Ashley’s hand holding me back and walked over to her. She looked up at me and stuck her hand out for a shake.

I pulled her into a hug for comfort and she pulled away with her big owl eyes wide.

“Hi my name is Jonathan Skyler Lancaster. Do you want to be friends? I really like your shoes and you have really big eyes that look like the sky. Oh, that is my middle name. I think that my friend Ashley is jealous of you because you look so different. Do you want to be my best friend?” I stop out of breath. Wow, I don’t know what is wrong with me. This girl is so different. I don’t think she is pretty but look at her cool shoes they match the ones I have at home.

She looks at me like I was a freak.

Oh, no I scared her away all I want is a friend.

“Yes I will be your friend your funny” she smiled and hugged me. We walked over to Ashley.

“Ashley, this is my new best friend ….” Um I don’t know her name.

“Riannon, my name is Riannon Elizea Thomas” she held her hand out but Ashley rolled her eyes. Riannon did something that shocked me she slapped Ashley on her face.

***End of flashback***

“What, wait, that’s not how it ended” I stuttered and felt the sting on my cheek.

“Wake up sleepy head you were day dreaming again” Ri said standing directly in front of me her hand falling back down from the side of my face.

“Oh hey Ri, I was just coming to find you. Summer is here,” I say jumping up and down trying to pump her up. Sometimes she is such a square.

“I know so what do you want to do to launch it off?” She asked but I was sure she knew the answer.

“PARTYYYYY!!!” I yelled out so I got everyone’s attention around me. Riannon blushed. I knew she would never let me throw a party at her house but I had to try. I continued to push the issue. 

This story is entered in the Watty Awards so don’t forget to…









<3 Sassysmartgurl93

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