Chapter 7: A Love Like a Roller Coaster

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Maka's POV: I woke up to the sound of Soul's snoring. We were in the same bed, but this time we knew that we were sleeping together. I felt warm and fuzzy as I kissed him on the cheek and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. We had one more day off until we were back to classes so Soul and I were gonna spend another day together. We were going to this carnival that visits Death City once a year. I made Soul bacon since that was his favorite besides souls, and then I made blueberry pancakes since they were my favorite breakfast item. By the time I was finished making breakfast, Soul was drowsily walking into the kitchen. "Morning Soul!" I said cheerfully. "Morning beautiful." he said as a gave his sharp-toothed smile. I giggled and blushed as he sat down at the table. I carried the food over to the table and sat down. We started eating and the food was soon gone. "So, what are we gonna do today?" Soul asked as he cleaned the

Dishes. He didn't know about my plans yet. "Um, well I was thinking that we could go to the Death Carnival today." I said nervously. Soul wasn't thez biggest fan of huge event things. He looked like he was gonna say we should do something different but he kept his mouth shut. Then he looked happy all of a sudden. "Aren't they having the carnival at the amusement park this year so they don't have to fund rides?" he asked excitedly. Oh yeah, I forgot. Soul loves roller coasters. They were just a huge thrill for him. I liked ones that weren't too scary but I couldn't ever think of going on a huge one. The carnival was just a huge fundraiser that Death City had to help fund the DWMA. I totally forgot. I felt anxious all of a sudden. What if Soul thought I was a wimp for being scared of roller coasters? I couldn't stand the thought of him not loving me anymore because of that. "Um yeah." I said as I did my best to smile. We got ready and then we left for the carnival. I hope Soul doesn't notice how scared I am.

Soul's POV:

When we got there, there was already a ton of people there. Ugh. I hated when things got crowded. Then we saw our friends walking towards us. Maka had arranged for us all to meet here. "Hi guys!" Maka said cheerfully. She was wearing a light pink skirt and a lacy white shirt. Her hair was in a side braid and she looked very pretty. Tsubaki and Kid were holding hands and I guessed that they were a thing. To announce that Maka and I were going out, I grabbed Maka's hand and held it. They all noticed it and smiled. Blackstar looked a bit sad but happy for us. I felt bad for him. His love for Tsubaki was strong but she would only love him like a brother. Patty blushed as she looked at Blackstar though and I guessed that she had a crush on him. We all started heading towards the nearest ride. It was a roller coaster that looked like it could be ok for everybody. I noticed that Maka looked relieved. She had a slight fear of intense roller coasters. It was a secret that she kept from me but I knew it all along. We waited in line until we were at the cart. We all got on and I sat next to Maka. I held her hand and she smiled. We all talked about how excited we were about the roller coaster until we got to the drop. It wasn't a steep one, but it was pretty long. We all screamed with joy as we scooted down the drop. It went over several little lumps and then swerved around in a sharp hair pin turn. Then it went into a dark tunnel and there was some strobe lights. Maka screamed with fear at this part because all of a sudden we dropped down the steepest and longest drop ever. I held on to her tight because I knew how much she hated big drops. We didn't know that this roller coaster had one. It was in a dark tunnel. How were we supposed to know? We came out of the tunnel and were still dropping. Maka couldn't even scream anymore. She looked shocked. The ride soon ended though. She looked like she was about to cry. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in my huh. I wasn't able to protect her this time. I felt awful. "I'm sorry Maka, I didn't know that that drop was there." I apologized sincerely. She just nodded and we walked towards much milder looking rides. We got on a carousel and chose horses that were next to each other. She looked back to her happy self now. We held hands the whole ride and halfway through the ride, I jumped onto her horse and rode with her. It reminded me of when we would ride our motorcycle when we were on missions. Except this time, I was holding on to Maka. Afterwards, we got went on a ferris wheel and it went really high up. We made out the whole time and by the time the ride was over, I forgot where we even were. Next we went on another roller coaster. It was fine this time because I made sure that there were no big drops. It was really fun and Maka looked like she enjoyed it. I saw a really intense roller coaster and I wanted to go on it. I looked at Maka and she frowned. I looked at our friends. They all looked like they wanted to go on too. "It's fine, I'll just stay here." Maka said as she sighed. She walked over to a bench and sat down. "But Maka" I said. "We can't just leave you alone here." "It's fine, I'll just wait." she said as she smiled. She eventually persuaded us to go on so we got in line and rode the roller coaster. It was really fun. Maka would've hated it though. There was a really steep drop that just went straight down and it was really fast. It was awesome. When we got back to the bench where we left Maka, she was gone. "Um where's Maka?" Tsubaki said as she began to look nervous. There were so many people here, it was hard to find Maka. Then I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in years. It made me cringe with pure loathing. I turned around to see my older brother, Slash. Maka was next to him and she looked a bit confused. Slash had a grin on his face. I hated when he grinned. It meant that he was up to no good. "Oh hey Soul! Maka and I were just talking about you." he said cheekily. Maka looked a bit nervous, especially when Slash swung his arms around her. "Take your arm off of her." I said through gritted teeth. "Aw what's wrong Souly?" he challenged. He knew exactly what the problem was. He had a power of persuading people to be his meisters. He had always stolen all of my old meisters, before I came to the DWMA. He loved to see me miserable for some reason. "Maka don't listen to anything he says." I said to her as I prepared to chop my brothers arm clean off. "Why? What don't you want me to know?" Maka challenged dryly. "I already know all about your other meister." Oh no, Slash had already affected her. He makes up lies and has people believe them. His soul wavelength has the ability to do this. "Maka, your my only meister." I tried to reassure her calmly. "Don't even try it. Slash already told me everything." Maka replied coldly. "What kind of lies did you put in her head?!" I screamed as I launched myself at Slash. We were immediately locked as battle with weapon vs. weapon. He had much more experience than I did with fighting without a meister. I kept darting my bladed arm at him but he dodged all of my attacks and attacked my side. He stabbed right into my stomach. I was so distracted because of Maka that I lost my fight. "SOOOOUULLLLL!!!!" was the last thing I heard before falling into complete blackness.

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