Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

!Tyler's P.O.V.!

Wow. Hooters girls really know how to kiss. Like I'm not kidding, this is unbelievable!

Trent left us alone a bit ago and we've been sucking face ever since. We're getting so heated up I'm planning on heading to the bathroom in a couple minutes. Man even the supply closet will do.

"Hey will you go get me a beer, then we can move this to the bathroom?" I say pulling away and sending her a wink.

After she left I leaned my head against the booth and wondered how she was in bed. Or should I say in the bathroom.

Dang it, someone tapped my shoulder and snapped me out of it. Hey it's Trent i'm surprised he's not surrounded by chicks, what a player he is.

"Hey dude, what ya doi-" Half a sentence comes out of my mouth before he jumps right to the reason he's here.

"Dude I need one," Trent sent me a wink. Ugh the thought of him and some tramp ran through my head. Well I might as well save one girl from his player hands.

"Sorry dude, I only got one and I plan on using it." I lie easily. It basically comes naturally to me now I do it so often now.

"Urr.. Okay thanks dude, I'm sure she's on birth control so we're good to go." Man he's about to go and knock up some chick, poor girl he's doing it without even thinking twice.

"Man, if she gets knocked up you're screwed." I say knowing he doesn't care.

"Oh well I'm drunk I'll worry about that in the morning." He chuckles and walk back to his skank.

Wow, he's got a pretty hot one. Well from behind at least, she's got a nice butt. WAIT! Is that... No flippin way!

Holy cow.. She just turned around, that is definitely her! Crap Trent's about to go knock her up! Ohh never mind! She's on the pill, Adam told me the second she confirmed it to him. He was psyched to go all naturel. Uhhh that thought just made me gag in my mouth a little.

Anyways, Anna better be drunk as heck or she's in some serious chiz tomorrow. For some reason everytime she starts hanging out with guys outside of our group she won't do crap with us. No she doesn't ignore us or anything like that but like in a instant we become just her friends no longer her boys.

I can't stand the thought of her hanging out with Trent all the time and just seeing me as her 'friend', and anyways Trent's so just going to throw her away after he gets whatever he's after... Probably the same thing all of us boys are after.

And I can't just watch that happen, I can't watch Trent take control of her like that and never let her make her own decisions. Then she'll never have time for me and that just won't-

"Babbbbeeeeee! Lets get back to what we started!" Whined Hooters chick (I don't know her name). I'm thinking these thoughts can wait until tomorrow.. And hopefully I won't remember any of it by then anyway.

"Follow me," I pull her into the nearest closed door and forget all about Trent and the worst mistake he could have ever made:Messed with 'the boys' girl.

!Anna's P.O.V.!

"Urrrrrrrr..." Why does my head hurt soooo bad? All I remember about last night is me begging Klayton for some more shots...Ohh, that must be in. Whenever me and K go out I always seem to, well lets just say over achieve in the 'embarrassing Anna' department.

Hmmmm. Why is this bed sooo much comfier than mine, or Klay's for that matter. God, it's better than all of the boys beds put together. I start rolling around in the bed trying to decide what's so different because I'm so hungover I rather not open my eyes.

If someone walked in on me right now, they'd see quite a sight. I'm thinking I look like i'm butt humping the bed.(A/N:I don't even think butt humpings a thing but...ok? haha) Good thing I'm here alll alone.

Okay, I really don't know why my bed is soo much comfier so I'll just give it one more roll before I give up and go back to sleep. I start to turn to my right getting ready to snuggle into my pillow. Since when did I get a body pillow? Because this sure is a snuggly pillow.

Wait. My. Pillow. Just. Snuggled. With. Me!

There are so many things wrong with that. I guess it's time to give up on sleep? Uggggh fine.

My eyes feel stuck closed, with a thousand pounds trapping each lid to stay connected. So after literally 5 minutes of rubbing them, I finally get half an eye open. All I see is blue.... I don't have any blue in my room like at all.

Where. The. Heck. Am. I?

AND WHO THE HECK AM I CUDDLING TOO!! AHHHH! I jump all the way to the other side of the bed and practically scream profanities to this stranger.

"OH MY GOSH! DID U KIDNAP ME? RAPE ME? WHY THE F AM I NAKED!! WAKE THE FLIP UP MUTHA F-" In the middle of my hangover-rage this mystery man has finally woken up and is looking at me with amusement.

"What the crap? You think stealing me is funny? You're messed up Mr. Mystery Man!!!" Screams miss. hysterical!

"Calm down Anna! I'm Trent.. Tyler's friend... From soccer camp? Ring a bell? We hung out last night. I guess we drank a little to much and got carried away... Sorry about that." Apologized this guy named... Trent. Ugh why don't I remember any of this.

"You don't remember do you?" It finally dawned on him that my face was twisted in confusion.

"Uhmm no.... So i'm just going to... go....yeah." I stutter unsure and start the search for my cloths.

"Please, please don't! I remember all of last night. And I know this might sound weird but I like you. And I really want to get and know you, if that's okay with you..?" He trailed off at the end unsure of what to say.

"Uhmm.. Well I don't see any harm in hanging out, right?" I laugh uneasily.

"I was thinking maybe... go on a date, instead?" Trent explained rubbing his head awkwardly.

"Ohhh, that would be okay... I guess." Man could this get any more freaking awkward?

"Well wanna hang for a while before you, uh, go?" Uhm, oh, and uh seems to be recurring words way to much in this conversation.

"Sure.. I'm going to go get ready really quick, I'm sure u'd be okay if I didn't but what's the fun in no challenge?" I giggle before skipping to the bathroom.

I swear I hear, "Challenge my @**" As I close the door.

Want a challenge, I see? I sure can give you one.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was majorly hard for me to write.. it's so grodie! Like I mean what I wrote wasn't that bad but.. I'm 13 and what I wrote even made me wanna gag a little soooo for all u who r thinking the same thing, I appolagize! It's just I didn't know how to say this stuff without sounding immature as crap.. so now I feel nasty! Haha anyways vote, comment, fan! THANKS:)

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