Chapter 3

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Finally I'm free of that hell hole they call school. All day I've been thinking about the double date, what to wear, how to do my makeup, the best way to show that Tyler(or Klayton) are the best you can get. It shouldn't be to hard though, I mean it's a Hooters girl:She would probably date a infant if it commented on her boobs.

Sorry, sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean to Hooters chicks but hello! Ty and K are pretty hot, it's not like I'll need to help them out in that department. So all I'll have to do is keep company to the 3rd wheel because their date flaked. Pretty easy if you ask me.

I pull out my sparkly mid-thigh black night club dress and throw it on my bed looking for matching accessories. Once I find everything for the night I throw it all on and do my hair and makeup.

I check the mirror before heading out the door-Dang I look fi-ii-ii-ne!

*                 *                *               *                *                    *                  *

I walk inside the door of the club ready to party! All the flashing lights make it hard to see where K and Ty are but I manage and head in their direction. As I push through all the smooshed bodies and finally get a clear view of our table. And there she is:Miss Double D Hooters Chick-I-Dee.

I see Ty pressed up to her, flirting like there's no tomorrow. Poor Klay, has to hang with me all night instead  of one of Miss D.D.H.C.'s friends. As I get closer to the table Klay saw me approach and gave me a grand spanking smile. Ty didn't seem to interested but his date gave me a glare. What a b*t*h.

I give a snarl back, screw rocking her night. Might as well make her shake in her fake Prada heels. Klayton must have realized my plan just from the look on my face and pulled me down to sit while whispering, "Come on Anna, ignore the witch we can have fun without her!"

I nodded in agreement and got comfortable in our table by the bar. "Hey K, you know the best way to have fun is when you're tipsy!" I chuckle in his ear.

"Not after last time Bell," Klayton replied with a crooked smile playing on his lips. "I can't believe you made that bartender dance on the table with you the other da-" Ohh no, why do I always have the most embarrassing drunk episodes when I'm with Klay. "Come on! That was ONE time!" I complain while pulling a bottle of vodka and shot glasses from a waiters tray.

"One time? Did you forget about last month when you started hugging all the girls during a lesbian convention?" Ugggh so today's when he remembers everything. "Hey that wasn't my fault! They were all so kind! When they asked for a hug I had to pass um' around." I giggle at the memory.

"Ohh come on, nice! They just wanted to get in your pants.. How can you be so drunk to not realize that they had their hands all over you.You're such a light weight." K dragged on, and on, and on about all my mishaps! "OK,Ok,OK! I will admit I don't have the best history with beer, but hello! This is vodka! So no need to worry, I won't do the same thing as I have done in the past." I shout over the music then add quieter, "I will probably do something Much, MUCH worse."

We start downing shot after shot, after shot. I can already since that tonight will be one bucket load of regrets but that doesn't halt the shots from calling my name. About 30 minutes of constant shots we're all at our table while Klayton keeps waving away the waitress every time we call her over for more shots.

"KKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I whine dragging out the K, "You're such a party pooper! One teensy tiny shot glass wouldn't harm a fly now would i-" I'm interrupted by some guy towering over our table. My glassy drunken eyes take in one sexy face and muscular body almost immediately. What's it with hot guys that make you feel even drunker than before? Must be that their hotness is like a extra dose of alcohol.

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