Chapter 3: Los Angeles

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*From now on, my story will continue in Mattie's POV and Corey's POV. I hope you like it so far.


A jolt woke me from my sleep. My eyes popped open and tried to focus and remember where I was. My brain was fuzzy from the klonopin I had taken before I got on flight 532 departing from Des Moines and landing in Los Angeles. My sister's face was the first thing I saw. Her black hair was pulled into a high pony tail and she wore basic jeans, a white tank top, and a black blazer. Her glasses were perched on her straight nose while her green eyes reflected behind the lenses. She was sliding her laptop in it's case when the speaker above my head cracked to life.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination. The current time is 11:45am and the temperature outside is a fantastic 80 degrees here in L.A. Please watch your step while exiting the aircraft and thank you so much for choosing Alaska Airlines."

I tried to stand up and stretch as best as I could. My body was still sore from the car accident I was in a month ago. My cuts and bruises were fading, and I had my arm taken out of the cast and put into a sling before I left Iowa. My doctor insisted that I take my cane to help me walk, but I politely told him to fuck off. I did however convince him to refill both of my percocet and vicodin prescriptions without a problem. So I was feeling okay, but I mostly needed them to not feel sick and to function. I couldn't find any OxyContin before I left so this would have to do the trick for now. The Oxy was what I really needed. My doctor didn't want me going on this trip until my memory about the accident came back. I had hit my head hard enough to cause brain trauma. He said that I may get my memory back or I may not. It just depended on time. But Addison convinced him that she would be watching over me, so he gave me the okay to fly.

"Come on, Mattie." my sister Addison whined making her way up the airplane's narrow aisle of seats. "This is like, my dream job, so don't fuck it up for me and make us late. I have a feeling Mr. Taylor doesn't like tardiness."

This was just like Addison. She was only 18 months older than me, but people asked my mom if we were twins. But we were so opposite. She went to The University of Iowa and got her degree in writing and journalism. I graduated high school and did nothing. I needed a year off, but during that year I got involved with the wrong kinds of people. These people didn't give a fuck. They wore all black and dyed their hair. They had tattoos. They smoked and drank daily. I craved this type of anarchy in my life, a "fuck the man" attitude. So I joined this little band of misfits and began experimenting with drugs and alcohol, eventually turning to pills, mostly Oxycontin, to get high. Addison didn't know this at all, so I had to keep that part of my life a secret.

We walked through LAX and found our luggage zooming around the circular ramps on baggage claim. Addison grabbed mine and it almost swept her off of her feet. "Jesus Mattie! What did you pack?" I laughed and said, "A dead body." this caused an older couple in front of me to turn around and look me up and down. I narrowed my eyes and cleared my throat, "Can I help you?" I asked with an attitude. They walked away quickly. I thought I looked great, all things considering. I had my blonde hair up in a messy bun. I wore my most comfortable T-shirt on the plane. It was blue and said "Stop Making Stupid People Famous" down the front. My signature skinny jeans and red leather ballet flats.

"Hey!," Addison exclaimed as her eyes lit up, "I see our car!" She had grabbed her bag off the ramp and started to walk to the exit. I grabbed my suitcase and hurried after her as fast as I could. The sliding glass doors slid open and we stepped outside. Heat hit me right in the face. It smelled like gas and diesel. People were getting in and out of cars, limos, and SUV's to say good bye to loved ones on the curb. There was a shiny black Lincoln town car about ten feet away. The driver held up a sign that said, "James Sisters." Addison glanced my way and I could see that she was so excited, she was about to burst. We walked to the man and he looked at us behind dark sunglasses.

"Uhm, hi. My name is Addison James and this is my sister Maddison James." I glared at her, I'll have to get her back later for using my full name. I hate it.

The driver quickly checked our I.D.'s and handed them back to us. "Ah, yes, of course," he began as he loaded our suitcases in the trunk. "Mr. Taylor is expecting you, so we really should get going. Traffic is awful this time of the day." He opened the door and Addison got in first, then myself. The door shut behind us.

"AHHHH!", Addison let out a high pitched squeal and she grabbed my hands in hers, "I can feel this Mattie, this is it. My big break. I've worked so hard the past year to get my name and work out there and it's finally paid off!" She let go of my hands and starred out the window, the L.A. skyline zoomed past our tinted windows. I rested my head against the cold glass and closed my eyes. I really hope I could keep myself together for this, together for Addison. I owed her this. I hope I didn't fuck this up for her too.

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